Celebrity autographs

NOTICE: The autographs listed here are signatures of major and minor @quot;celebrities@quot; known to have signed stocks and bonds from North American railroads and coal companies.

Click on any celebrity name to see a short biography and a list of all known occurrences of his or her signature on railroad-related stocks and bonds. Images of autographs are available for some, but not all, celebrities. Please help by sending additional examples you may have. (Please scan at 300 to 400 dpi.)

See about autographs for a discussion about the general features of autographs and autograph collecting. Please keep perspective, however. Remember that only a TINY percentage of signatures found on stocks and bonds add to prices paid for certificates. Also remember that famous last names do not necessarily confer importance to children, siblings, parents, or distant relatives.

I stress that autograph collecting is a hobby separate from collecting stocks and bonds. Please consider authentication when buying for pricey signatures. Be sure to deal with sellers and authentication services who have genuine, specialized knowledge about autographs. I do not have that knowledge, so I DO NOT and WILL NOT authenticate autographs under any circumstances.

Celebrities A-K Celebrities L-Z
Adams, Alvin  (Signature sample available)1804-1877
Adams, Charles Francis Jr  (Signature sample available)1835-1915
Adams, Llewelyn Sherman1899-1986
Addams, Jane1860-1935
Akerman, William K1832-1905
Alexander, Edward Porter1835-1910
Allan, Sir Hugh Andrew Montagu  (Signature sample available)1860-1951
Allen, Horatio 1802-1899
Allison, William Boyd  (Signature sample available)1829-1908
Almonte, Juan Nepomuceno  (Signature sample available)1803-1869
Ames, Frank Morton  (Signature sample available)1833-1898
Ames, Frederick Lothrop1876-1921
Ames, Oakes  (Signature sample available)1804-1873
Ames, Oliver  (Signature sample available)1807-1877
Ames, Oliver II  (Signature sample available)1831-1895
Andrews, Wallace Corydon  (Signature sample available)1833-1899
Archbold, John Dustin1848-1916
Armour, Herman Ossian1837-1901
Astor, John Jacob  (Signature sample available)1763-1848
Astor, John Jacob III1822-1890
Astor, John Jacob IV  (Signature sample available)1864-1912
Astor, William Backhouse1792-1875
Astor, William Waldorf  (Signature sample available)1848-1919
Averell, William Woods1832-1900
Bache, Jules Semon  (Signature sample available)1861-1944
Baer, Max1909-1959
Baker, George Fisher1840-1931
Baldwin, Matthias1795-1866
Bancroft, George  (Signature sample available)1800-1891
Bancroft, William Poole1835-1928
Banks, Robert Tunstall  (Signature sample available)1822-1901
Barger, Samuel F1832-1914
Baring, Thomas Charles1831-1891
Barker, Edward Livingston1814-1878
Barney, Charles Dennis1844-1895
Barron, Clarence Walker1855-1928
Baruch, Annie Griffen1872-1938
Baruch, Bernard Mannes1870-1965
Beach, Alfred Ely1826-1896
Beauregard, Gen Pierre Gustave Toutant  (Signature sample available)1818-1893
Beecher, Henry Ward1813-1887
Belmont, August  (Signature sample available)1813-1890
Belmont, August Jr1853-1924
Berlin, Irving1888-1992
Berwind, Edward Julius1848-1936
Bierstadt, Albert1830-1902
Billings, Frederick H  (Signature sample available)1823-1890
Bishop, Heber Reginald1840-1902
Blair, John Insley  (Signature sample available)1802-1899
Bliss, George Jr.1793-1873
Bliss, William1834-1907
Boeing, William Edward1881-1956
Borel, Antoine Auguste1840-1915
Bowdoin, George Sullivan1833-1913
Boyce, George1805-1885
Bradlee, Nathaniel Jeremiah1829-1888
Brady, Anthony Nicholas1841-1913
Branch, Lawrence O'Bryan  (Signature sample available)1820-1862
Brandeis, Louis Dembitz1856-1941
Brewster, Benjamin  (Signature sample available)1828-1897
Brisbin, John1818-1851
Brooks, John Woods1819-1881
Brown, John Sidney1833-1913
Browning, Matthew Sandifer1859-1923
Brundage, Avery1887-1975
Buffett, Warren1930-
Bull, William Lanman1844-1914
Bullock, Rufus Brown  (Signature sample available)1834-1907
Burnside, Ambrose Everett  (Signature sample available)1824-1881
Butler, Benjamin Franklin1818-1893
Butler, Charles  (Signature sample available)1802-1897
Butterfield, John  (Signature sample available)1801-1869
Cable, Ransom Reed1834-1909
Cannon, Anthony McCue1839-1895
Carnegie, Andrew  (Signature sample available)1835-1919
Casement, John Stephen  (Signature sample available)1829-1909
Cass, George Washington Jr1810-1888
Cassatt, Alexander Johnston1839-1906
Chaffee, Jerome Bunty1825-1886
Chapin, Chester William1798-1883
Clark, Charles Peter1836-1901
Clark, Horace Francis  (Signature sample available)1815-1873
Clark, Silas Henry H.1836-1900
Clark, William Andrews  (Signature sample available)1839-1925
Clarke, James C1824-1902
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne  (Signature sample available)1835-1910
Clews, Henry  (Signature sample available)1834-1923
Clews, James Blanchard1864-1934
Clifford, John Henry1809-1876
Cody, William Frederick  (Signature sample available)1946-1917
Cole, Edmund W1827-1839
Colfax, Schuyler  (Signature sample available)1823-1885
Colgate, James Boormanunk-unk
Cooke, Jay  (Signature sample available)1821-1905
Cooke, Jay Jr1845-1912
Coolidge, Thomas Jefferson1831-1920
Cooper, Edward1824-1905
Cooper, Peter  (Signature sample available)1791-1883
Corbin, Austin  (Signature sample available)1827-1896
Corbin, Daniel Chase  (Signature sample available)1832-1918
Cornell, Ezra  (Signature sample available)1807-1874
Cornell, Thomas1814-1890
Corning, Erastus  (Signature sample available)1794-1872
Corse, John Murry  (Signature sample available)1835-1893
Cox, Kenyon1831-1911
Cox, William Ruffin1832-1919
Crocker, Charles  (Signature sample available)1822-1888
Crocker, Charles Frederick Jr  (Signature sample available)1854-1897
Crocker, Uriel  (Signature sample available)1796-1887
Cruft, Charles1826-1883
Cummins, Albert Baird1850-1926
Cushman, Charlotte Saunders  (Signature sample available)1816-1876
Darrow, Clarence Seward1857-1938
Dawes, Charles Gates1865-1951
de Mille, Cecil Blount1881-1959
Delano, Franklin Hughes  (Signature sample available)1813-1893
Delano, Frederic Adrian1863-1953
Delano, Warren III1852-1920
Denison, John Newton1811-1898
Depew, Chauncey Mitchell  (Signature sample available)1834-1928
Devereux, John Henry  (Signature sample available)1832-1886
Dillon, Sidney  (Signature sample available)1812-1892
Disston, Frank1879-1937
Dix, John Adams  (Signature sample available)1798-1879
Dodge, Grenville Mellen  (Signature sample available)1831-1916
Dodge, William Earl  (Signature sample available)1805-1883
Douglas, John1819-1891
Dows, David1814-1890
Drake, Francis Marion  (Signature sample available)1830-1903
Drayton, Thomas Fenwick  (Signature sample available)1808-1891
Drew, Daniel1797-1879
Drexel, Anthony Joseph1826-1893
Dropsie, Moses Aaron  (Signature sample available)1821-1905
Duke, James Buchanan  (Signature sample available)1856-1925
duPont, Alexis Felix  (Signature sample available)1879-1948
duPont, Alfred Irénée1864-1935
duPont, Charles Irénée1859-1902
duPont, Eugene Eleuthere1882-1854
duPont, Francis Irénée1873-1942
duPont, Henry Algernon  (Signature sample available)1838-1926
duPont, Isabella Mathieu1882-1946
duPont, Jessie Dew Ball1884-1970
duPont, Philip Francis1878-1928
duPont, Pierre Samuel1870-1954
duPont, Thomas Coleman1863-1930
Durant, Charles Wright 1821-1885
Durant, Thomas Clark (Doc)  (Signature sample available)1820-1885
Earl, George Hunk-unk
Eastman, George1854-1932
Echols, John  (Signature sample available)1823-1896
Edison, Thomas Alva1847-1931
Eldredge, Horace Sunderlin1816-1888
Eldridge, John S  (Signature sample available)1818-1876
Elkins, William Lukens  (Signature sample available)1832-1903
Endicott, William Crowninshield Jr  (Signature sample available)1860-1936
Evans, John1814-1897
Evarts, William Maxwell1818-1901
Fairbanks, Charles Warren  (Signature sample available)1852-1918
Fairbanks, Horace1820-1888
Fargo, James Congdell Strong  (Signature sample available)1829-1915
Fargo, James Francis1857-1937
Fargo, William George  (Signature sample available)1818-1881
Farnam, Henry  (Signature sample available)1803-1883
Field, Cyrus West  (Signature sample available)1819-1892
Field, Marshall1835-1906
Fillmore, Millard  (Signature sample available)1800-1874
Fish, Hamilton  (Signature sample available)1808-1893
Fish, Stuyvesant  (Signature sample available)1851-1923
Fisk, James  (Signature sample available)1834-1872
Flagg, Azariah Cutting1790-1873
Flagler, Henry Morrison  (Signature sample available)1830-1913
Fleming, Robert1845-1933
Flower, Roswell Pettibone1835-1899
Forbes, John Murray  (Signature sample available)1813-1898
Forrest, Nathan Bedford  (Signature sample available)1821-1877
Frankfurter, Felix1882-1965
Frelinghuysen, Frederick Theodore  (Signature sample available)1817-1885
Fremont, John Charles  (Signature sample available)1813-1890
Frick, Henry Clay  (Signature sample available)1849-1919
Fyffe, Edward Pierce1810-1867
Gallatin, James1796-1876
Garfield, James Randolph1865-1950
Garrett, John Work  (Signature sample available)1820-1884
Garrett, Robert1875-1961
Gary, Elbert Henry  (Signature sample available)1846-1927
Gates, John Warne1855-1911
Gerlinger, Louis1853-1841
Gilman, Daniel Hunt1845-1913
Gilmore, Addison1804-1851
Goodyear, Anson1877-1964
Goodyear, Charles 1800-1860
Goodyear, Frank H Jr1891-1930
Gould, Edwin  (Signature sample available)1866-1933
Gould, George Jay  (Signature sample available)1864-1923
Gould, Jay  (Signature sample available)1836-1892
Gowen, Francis Innes1855-1927
Grace, William Russell1832-1904
Grant, Frederick Dent1850-1911
Green, Edward Howland Robinson1868-1936
Green, Henrietta (Hetty) Howland Robinson1834-1916
Grinnell, George Bird1849-1938
Griswold, John Noble Alsop1822-1909
Grow, Galusha Aaron  (Signature sample available)1824-1907
Guggenheim, Meyer1828-1905
Guggenheim, Murray1858-1939
Hamlin, Hannibal  (Signature sample available)1809-1891
Hanna, Marcus Alonzo1837-1904
Harkness, Charles William1860-1916
Harkness, Stephen Vanderburgh1818-1888
Harriman, Edward Henry  (Signature sample available)1848-1909
Harriman, Oliver1829-1904
Harris, Robert1830-1894
Hatch, Rufus1832-1893
Hathaway, Horatio1831-1898
Haupt, Herman1817-1905
Hendricks, Thomas Andrews1819-1885
Herreshoff, Nathaniel Greene 1848-1938
Hewitt, Abram Stevens1822-1903
Hewitt, Peter Cooper1861-1921
Hill, James Jerome  (Signature sample available)1838-1916
Hill, James Norman  (Signature sample available)1870-1932
Hillegas, Michael1729-1804
Hobart, Garret Augustus  (Signature sample available)1844-1899
Holliday, Cyrus Kurtz  (Signature sample available)1826-1900
Holmes, Oliver Wendell Jr1841-1935
Hopkins, Johns1795-1873
Houston, Henry Howard1820-1895
Hoyt, Colgate  (Signature sample available)1849-1922
Hubbard, Gardiner Greene1822-1897
Huntington, Collis Potter  (Signature sample available)1821-1900
Husted, James William1833-1892
Ingalls, Melville Ezra  (Signature sample available)1842-1914
Innis, George1825-1895
Insull, Samuel  (Signature sample available)1859-1938
Insull, Samuel Jr  (Signature sample available)1901-1983
Irving, Washington  (Signature sample available)1783-1859
Ives, Brayton C1840-1914
Jackson, Henry Rootes1820-1898
Jackson, William Henry1843-1942
Javits, Jacob Koppel1904-1986
Jay, Peter Augustus1776-1843
Jeffery, Edward Turner1843-1927
Jerome, Addison G1811-1864
Jerome, Leonard Walter1817-1891
Jervis, John Bloomfield  (Signature sample available)1795-1885
Jesup, Morris Ketchum  (Signature sample available)1830-1908
Jewett, Hugh Judge1817-1898
Johnston, Harriet Lane1830-1903
Johnston, Joseph E.unk-unk
Jones, Benjamin Franklin1824-1903
Joy, James Frederick  (Signature sample available)1810-1896
Judah, Theodore Dehone1826-1863
Judd, Norman Buell  (Signature sample available)1815-1878
Keep, Henry  (Signature sample available)1818-1869
Kennedy, John Stewart  (Signature sample available)1830-1909
Kent, Rockwell1882-1971
Kent, William1868-1928
Ketchum, Morris1796-1880
Kidder, Henry Purkitt1823-1886
Kimball, Frederick J.1844-1903
Kipling, Mrs Caroline Starr Balestier1862-1939
Kneas, Strickland  (Signature sample available)1821-1884
Kress, Samuel Henry1863-1955
Lamont, Daniel Scott1851-1905
Lanier, Charles D  (Signature sample available)1837-1926
Lanier, James Franklin Doughty1800-1881
Ledyard, Henry Brockholst1844-1921
Lincoln Jr, Levi1782-1868
Lincoln, Daniel Waldo1911-1883
Lincoln, Robert Todd  (Signature sample available)1843-1926
Lipper, Arthurunk-unk
Lippincott, Joshua Ballinger1813-1886
Little, Jacob  (Signature sample available)1797-1865
Livingston, Crawford1846-1925
Lodge, Henry Cabot  (Signature sample available)1850-1924
Logan, Thomas Muldrup  (Signature sample available)1840-1914
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth  (Signature sample available)1807-1882
Longstreet, James  (Signature sample available)1821-1904
Loree, Leonor Fresnel1858-1940
Lorillard, Pierre  (Signature sample available)1833-1901
Loveland, William Austin Hamilton  (Signature sample available)1826-1894
Low, Seth1850-1916
MacKenzie, Sir William  (Signature sample available)1849-1923
Mahone, William  (Signature sample available)1826-1895
Mann, Colonel William D'Alton  (Signature sample available)1839-1920
Mann, Sir Donald1853-1934
Mason, Roswell B1805-1892
Mayer, Louis Burt1885-1957
McAdoo, William Gibbs  (Signature sample available)1863-1941
McComb, Colonel Henry Simpson1825-1881
McGowen, Franklin Benjamin1836-1889
McKim, Charles Follen1847-1909
McLane, Louis1786-1857
Mears, Otto  (Signature sample available)1840-1931
Mellen, Charles Sanger  (Signature sample available)1851-1927
Mellon, Andrew William  (Signature sample available)1855-1937
Mellon, Richard Beatty1858-1932
Mellon, William Larimer1868-1949
Memminger, Christopher Gustavus1803-1888
Mergenthaler, Ottmar1854-1899
Mills, Darius Ogden  (Signature sample available)1825-1910
Mills, Ogden Livingston1884-1937
Mink, Oliver W1850-1926
Moffat, David Halliday  (Signature sample available)1839-1911
Morgan, Edwin Denison1811-1883
Morgan, John P Jr1867-1943
Morgan, John Pierpont  (Signature sample available)1837-1913
Morgan, Junius Spencer  (Signature sample available)1813-1890
Morris, Gouverneur Jr1813-1888
Morrow, Jeremiah1771-1852
Morse, Samuel Finley Breese1791-1872
Morton, Levi Parsons  (Signature sample available)1824-1920
Myers, General William1830-1887
Nathan, Seixas1785-1852
Negley, James Scott  (Signature sample available)1826-1901
Negley, James Scott Jr1854-1889
Nelson Cromwell1854-1948
Nettleton, George H1831-1896
Newberry, Truman Handy1864-1945
Newell, John1830-1894
Oakes, Thomas Fletcher1843-1919
Opdyke, George1805-1880
Oppenheimer, Henry  (Signature sample available)1865-1958
Oppenheimer, Julius Robert1904-1967
Osborn, William Henry1821-1894
Packer, Asa1805-1879
Page, Richard Lucian1807-1901
Paine, Charles  (Signature sample available)1799-1853
Palmer, William Jackson1836-1909
Parsons, Joseph Clark1814-1886
Patten, James A1852-1928
Payne, Oliver Hazard1839-1917
Peabody, Francis Howard1831-1905
Peabody, George Foster  (Signature sample available)1852-1938
Peabody, Oliver White1834-1896
Peake, Amasa Parker1861-1935
Penrose, Spencer1865-1939
Perkins, Charles Elliott1840-1907
Perry, John Dietz1815-1895
Pershing, John Joseph1860-1948
Phipps, Henry1839-1930
Pidgeon, Walter  (Signature sample available)1898-1984
Pillsbury, John Sargent1827-1901
Pioche, Francois Louis Alfred1818-1872
Platt, Thomas Collier  (Signature sample available)1833-1910
Pomeroy, Marcus Mills (Brick)  (Signature sample available)1833-1896
Pond, Charles Floyer1809-1867
Poor, Henry Varnum1812-1905
Porter, Henry H1835-1910
Porter, Horace  (Signature sample available)1837-1921
Porter, James Davis  (Signature sample available)1828-1912
Powderly, Terence1849-1924
Pratt, Charles1830-1891
Pratt, Enoch1808-1896
Procter, William Cooper  (Signature sample available)1862-1934
Pruyn, John Van Schack Lansing1811-1877
Pullman, George Mortimer  (Signature sample available)1831-1897
Pullman, Harriet (Hattie) Sanger1842-1921
Quincy, Josiah Jr  (Signature sample available)1772-1864
Rea, Samuel1855-1929
Reed, Simon G1830-1895
Reynolds, Richard Joshua1850-1918
Rice, William Marsh1816-1900
Richardson, Edmund1818-1886
Richmond, Dean1804-1866
Ringling, John1866-1936
Roberts, George Brooke  (Signature sample available)1833-1897
Robinson, Edward Mott1800-1865
Rockefeller, Franklin  (Signature sample available)1845-1917
Rockefeller, James Stillman  (Signature sample available)1902-2004
Rockefeller, John Davison  (Signature sample available)1839-1937
Rockefeller, John Davison Jr1874-1960
Rockefeller, Percy A1878-1934
Rockefeller, William  (Signature sample available)1841-1922
Roebling, Charles Gustavus1849-1918
Roebling, Emily Warren1843-1903
Roebling, Karl Gustavus1873-1921
Roebling, Washington Augustus  (Signature sample available)1837-1926
Rogers, Henry Huttleston1840-1909
Roman, André Bienvenu1795-1866
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano  (Signature sample available)1882-1945
Roosevelt, James Alfred  (Signature sample available)1825-1898
Roosevelt, James Roosevelt1854-1927
Roosevelt, John Aspinwall1916-1981
Roosevelt, Sara Delano  (Signature sample available)1854-1941
Root, Amos1839-1923
Root, John M1824-1901
Rossiter, Edward Van Wyck1844-1910
Rothschild, Edmond de1845-1934
Rothschild, Nathan Mayer1840-1915
Rothschild, Ottounk-unk
Rothschild, Solomonunk-unk
Rumrill, James Augustus1837-1909
Rutter, James Henry1836-1885
Ryan, Thomas Fortune1851-1928
Sachs, Paul Joseph1878-1965
Sage, Russell  (Signature sample available)1816-1906
Saks, Andrew1847-1912
Sayre, Robert Heysham  (Signature sample available)1824-1907
Schell, Augustus  (Signature sample available)1812-1884
Schiff, Jacob1847-1920
Schliemann, Heinrich (Henry)1822-1890
Schurz, Carl1829-1906
Schuyler, Robert (Livingston?)  (Signature sample available)1798-1855
Schwab, Charles Michael1862-1939
Scott, Thomas Alexander  (Signature sample available)1823-1881
Scribner, Arthur H  (Signature sample available)1859-1932
Scribner, Charles1854-1930
Searles, Dennis  (Signature sample available)1874-1916
Seibert, Henry1833-1902
Seligman, Isaac Newton1855-1917
Seney, George Ingraham  (Signature sample available)1826-1893
Seward, William Henry Jr  (Signature sample available)1839-1920
Sharon, William  (Signature sample available)1821-1885
Shedd, John Graves1850-1926
Sherman, William Tecumseh1820-1891
Sickel, Horatio Gates1817-1890
Sloan, Emily Thorn Vanderbilt1852-1946
Sloan, Samuel  (Signature sample available)1818-1907
Smith, Caleb Blood  (Signature sample available)1808-1864
Smith, Elijah1840-1912
Smith, Gerrit1797-1874
Smith, John Gregory1818-1891
Smith, Orland1825-1903
Smith, Platt1813-1882
Snyder, Simonunk-unk
Spreckels, Claus  (Signature sample available)1828-1908
Stager, Anson1825-1885
Stanford, Leland1824-1893
Stedman, Edmund Clarence1833-1908
Steinway, William1835-1896
Stetson, Francis Lynde  (Signature sample available)1846-1920
Stevens, Edwin Augustus  (Signature sample available)1795-1868
Stevens, Robert Livingston1787-1856
Stickney, Alpheus Beade1840-1916
Stillman, James  (Signature sample available)1850-1918
Stone, Amasa1818-1883
Stone, Lucy1818-1893
Stratton, Winfield Scott1848-1902
Strong, William Barstow  (Signature sample available)1837-1914
Swann, Thomas1809-1883
Swift, Charles M1854-1929
Swift, William Henry1800-1879
Sykes, Martin Luther1826-unk
Szechenyi, Countess Gladys Moore Vanderbilt Laszlo1886-1965
Taft, Charles Phelps1843-1929
Taussig, Dr William  (Signature sample available)1826-1913
Taylor, Moses  (Signature sample available)1803-1882
Teller, Henry Moore1830-1914
Tennant, Sir Charles Clow1823-1906
Thaw, Harry Kendall1871-1947
Thaw, William  (Signature sample available)1818-1889
Thompson, James Walter1847-1928
Thomson, John Edgar  (Signature sample available)1808-1874
Tiffany, Louis Comfort1848-1933
Tilden, Samuel Jones  (Signature sample available)1814-1886
Touzalin, Albert Edward1842-1889
Tracy, John A1798-1875
Trask, Spencer  (Signature sample available)1844-1909
Treat, Charles 1859-1941
Tunney, James Joseph (Gene)1898-1978
Twichell, Ginery1811-1883
Twombly, Florence Adelaide Vanderbilt1855-1953
Twombly, Hamilton McKown1849-1910
Tyson, George1831-1881
Van Horne, Sir William Cornelius  (Signature sample available)1843-1915
van Nortwick, John1809-1890
van Sweringen, Mantis James1881-1935
van Sweringen, Otis Paxton1879-1936
Vanderbilt III, William Henry1901-1981
Vanderbilt, Alfred Gwynne1877-1915
Vanderbilt, Alice Gwynne  (Signature sample available)1845-1934
Vanderbilt, Alva Erskine Smith1853-1933
Vanderbilt, Cornelius 'Commodore'  (Signature sample available)1794-1877
Vanderbilt, Cornelius II  (Signature sample available)1843-1899
Vanderbilt, Edith Stuyvesant Dresser1873-1958
Vanderbilt, Frederick William  (Signature sample available)1856-1938
Vanderbilt, George Washington  (Signature sample available)1862-1914
Vanderbilt, Harold Stirling  (Signature sample available)1884-1970
Vanderbilt, Howard Cunk-unk
Vanderbilt, Jacob Hand  (Signature sample available)1807-1893
Vanderbilt, Louise Holmes Anthony  (Signature sample available)1844-1926
Vanderbilt, Margaret Emerson McKim1884-1960
Vanderbilt, Maria Louisa Kissam1821-1896
Vanderbilt, O de G.unk-unk
Vanderbilt, Reginald Claypoole1880-1925
Vanderbilt, Virginia1875-1935
Vanderbilt, William Henry  (Signature sample available)1821-1885
Vanderbilt, William Kissam  (Signature sample available)1849-1920
Vanderbilt, William Kissam Jr  (Signature sample available)1878-1944
Vassar, John Guy1811-1888
Vassar, Matthew1809-1881
Vassar, Matthew Jr1811-1888
Vibbard, Chauncey1811-1891
Victor, Emanuel1898-1960
Villard, Henry  (Signature sample available)1835-1900
Wade, Jeptha Homer  (Signature sample available)1811-1890
Wadsworth, James S1807-1864
Wagner, Webster  (Signature sample available)1817-1882
Walker, James Monroe1820-1881
Wanamaker, John1838-1922
Ward, Samuel G1817-1907
Warden, William Gray1831-1895
Warner, Adoniram Judson1834-1910
Warren, General Augustus Edmundunk-unk
Washburn, William Drew1831-1912
Watrous, George Henry1829-1889
Watson, Thomas John1874-1956
Webb, William Seward  (Signature sample available)1851-1926
Weed, Thurlow1797-1882
Wells, Henry  (Signature sample available)1805-1878
West, Absolom Madden  (Signature sample available)1818-1894
Weyerhaeuser, Frederick1834-1914
Weyerhaeuser, Frederick E Jrunk-unk
Wheeler, William Almon  (Signature sample available)1819-1887
Whitney, George1885-1963
Whitney, Gertrude Vanderbilt1875-1942
Whitney, Harry Payne  (Signature sample available)1872-1930
Whitney, William Collins1841-1904
Widener, George Dunton  (Signature sample available)1862-1912
Widener, Peter Arrell Brown  (Signature sample available)1834-1915
Wilder, Gaston Hillary1814-1873
Willard, Daniel1861-1942
Williams, James Bunk-unk
Windom, William1827-1891
Winslow, Edward Francis1837-1914
Withers, Jones Mitchell1814-1890
Wolcott, Henry Roger1846-1921
Woodruff, Jonah  (Signature sample available)1809-1876
Wool, John Ellis1789-1869
Wright, Charles B1822-1898
Wrigley, William, Jr1861-1932
Yerington, Henry Marvin  (Signature sample available)1828-1910
Young, Bennett Henderson1843-1919
Young, Charles G1816-1871
Young, Jonathan Willard  (Signature sample available)1844-1924
Yulee, David Levy1810-1886
Zimmerman, Eugene  (Signature sample available)1845-1914