Printer names known on certificates

Primary References:

  • Boggs, W.S., 1949, Ten Decades Ago, 1840-1850, A study of the work of Rawdon, Wright, Hatch and Edson of New York City (American Philatelic Society.)
  • Fielding, Mantle, 1974, Dictionary of American Painters, Sculptors, and Engravers" (Modern Books and Crafts.)
  • Opitz, G.B., 1986, Mantle Fielding's Dictionary of American Painters, Sculptors, and Engravers. (Apollo.)
  • Griffiths, William, 1959, The Story of the American Bank Note Company. (American Bank Note Co.) Frequently available from
  • Hessler, Gene, 1993, The Engraver's Line, An encyclopedia of Paper Money & Postage Stamp Art (BNR Press.) Excellent references to additional resources.
  • Hind, A.M., 1963, A History of Engraving and Printing, 1862-1962 (Dover.)
  • McKay, G.L., 1942, A Register of Artists, Engravers, Booksellers, Bookbinders, Printers & Publishers in New York City, 1633-1820 (New York Public Library.)
  • Rice, F.W., Fall 1961, Antecedents of the American Bank Note Company of 1858 in the Essay-Proof Journal 72, pp 139-150.
  • Stephens, S.D., 1950, The Mavericks: American engravers (Rutgers University Press.)
  • Toppan, R.N., 1896, A Hundred Years of Bank Note Engraving in the United States (American Bank Note Company.)

Following is a list of all engraver/printer names responsible for creating railroad certificates current to the last database upload on Saturday, March 1, 2025. This list does NOT include secondary printers who bought generic certificates from other companies and added company names and details such as par value, capitalization and issuance locations.

List arranged by printer names as they commonly appear on certificates.
Be aware that printers were rarely consistent in how they displayed their names on certificates. Variations are the rule, not the exception.

Name on certificateCity
American Bank Note Co.New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Ottawa
American Bank Note Co, International Bank Note Co. Division
Acme Corporate Book & Seal CoSkokie, IL
Acres, Blackmar & Co., PrintersBurlington, IA
Adams & Grace Co.New York
Rufus Adams & Co., StationersNew York
Advertiser Print
Affleck & DoscherNew York
Ager, Hamblin & Co., StationersNew York
Alexander, Caloric PrinterPhiladelphia
Alexander & Cable Co.Toronto, ONT
Alexander, PrinterPhiladelphia
Alesamler, PrinterPhiladelphia
Allen, Lane & Scott, Lith.Philadelphia
Allen, Lane & Scott.Philadelphia
All-State Legal Supply Co.Cranford, NJ
Altemus & Co.Philadelphia
John W. Amerman, PrinterNew York
American PrinterySalt Lake City
American Railroad Journal PrintNew York
American Oleo. Co.Chicago
American Promoting & Trust Co.Boston
James M. Anderson & SonBaltimore
A. Anderson & Co. Lith.Portland, OR
Henry Anstice & Co, StationersNew York
Henry Anstice & Co.New York
Argus Lith, Co.Fargo, DT
Armor Lithographing Co LtdPittsburgh
W. H. Arthur & Co.New York
W. H. Arthur & Co. Stationer and PrinterNew York
W. H. Arthur & Co. StationersNew York
Wm. H. Arthur & Co.New York
Arthur & BurnetNew York
Arthur, Gregory & Co.
Arthur & BonnellNew York
Arthur, Mountain & Co.New York
W. M. Arthur & CoNew York
Ashby & VincentErie, PA
Atlanta Lith. & Print Co.Atlanta
Atlanta Litho. & Print Co.Atlanta
Geo. W Averell, Lith.New York
C. S. AxtellSpringfield
Burges & James, prsCharleston, NC
J. S. BabcockNew York
Bacon & Company, Printers
W. E. BadeauNew York
Baker & Duyckinck, StationersNew York
Baker & Godwin, PrintersNew York
Baker & RandolphIndianapolis
Bakewell & Marthens, orintPittsburgh
Geo. H. BakerSan Francisco, CA
Geo. H. Baker, Lith.San Francisco, CA
Baldwin & Gleason Co LtdNew York
Baldwin, Adams & Co.New York
Baldwin, Bald & CouslandNew York
Vistus BalchNew York
Bald & CouslandNew York
Bald, Cousland & Co.New York & Philadelphia
The Baltimore Publishing Co, PrintBaltimore
Banner OfficeAthens, GA
Bankers & Merchants Litho. Co.Kansas City, MO
A. L. Bancroft & Co. Lith.San Francisco
Bangor Pub. CoBangor, ME
Messrs, A. Banker & Co., BankersLondon
Bankers' Stationery Supply CoChicago
Banker's Supply Co.Chicago
Barget & Birgel, LithographersNew York
A. R. Barnes & Co., Printers
Barton-Gillet Co.Baltimore
Geo. D Barnard & Co.St Louis
Chas. I. Barker, Steam Printer
W. D. BarkleyNew York
Wallace D. BarkleyNew York
Bazin & Chandler, Printers
B. Bannon, PrintPottsville, PA
Benj. D. Benson, StationerNew York
Bantz, Clayton & Burton Lith.Hamilton, Ont.
Beacon Lith. Co.Boston
J. C. BealeNew York
John C. BealeNew York
Beals & Greene, PrintersBoston
Bell's Steam PrintRoanoke, VA
C. W. BenedictNew York
Benj. D. Benson & Son LithographersNew York
S Benedicts & CoNew York
Berry & Howell, PrintersOrangeburg, SC
Bergess & TrippNew York
W. T. Berry & Co.Nashville
J. BienNew York
Biglow & Bleeker, StationerNew York
L. H. Biglow & Co.New York
L. H. Biglow & Co., Printers & StationersNew York
Lith. of Bingham, Dodd & Co.Hartford, CT
The Blakely-Marsh Printing Co.Chicago
Blakely Printing Co.Chicago
Blade P. & P. Co.Toledo, OH
Blade Printing and Paper Co.Toledo, OH
C. W. Bleeker, StationerNew York
Blelock & Co, PrintersMemphis
Blikman & SartoriusAmsterdam
Bloch & Co, PrintersCincinnati
John J. Bloomfield, StationerNew York
Blundell Taylor
Banknote Corporation of America
A. S. BodineBridgeport, CT
Boek-, Kunst- en Handelsdrukkerij v/h Gebroeders BingerAmsterdam
Boekdruck van Gebroeders Binger
Gedrukt bij Gebroders BingerAmsterdam
W. BoellPhiladelphia
Bogardus & LewisBuffalo, NY
T. BonarNew York
Border Co.
Borough of New Hope, Pennsylvania
Boston Bank Note & Lith'g Co.Boston
Boston Bank Note Lith. Co.Boston
B. Bosqui & Co. Lith.San Francisco
F. Bourquin
Boud & Stockhausen
Boughman, Thomas & CoWilmington, DE
C. C. Bowen & Son
Bowne & HasbrouckNew York
Bowles Ptg. Corp.San Fancisco
R. J. Boyer, PrinterLebanon, PA
Boston PostBoston
Braden & Burford Steam Litho. IndustriesIndianapolis, IN
Bradley & Gilbert CoLouisville, KY
Bradley & Power, Print.Cincinnati
C. F. BradleyCincinnati
C. F. Bradley & Co. StationersCincinnati
C. F. Bradley & Co., PrintersCincinnati
Bradley & Webb, Stationers and PrintersCincinnati
The Brady Printing CoChattanooga
Braid & Hutton, IncSavannah, GA
de Brakke GrondAmstedam
M. Bradley & Co.Springfield, MA
Brandt, Printer
T. A. BradleyPhiladelphia
Bradbury Wilkinson & Co Ltd.New Malden, England
Bradbury Wilkinson & Co Ltd. EngraversLondon
H. K. BrewerNew York
H. K. Brewer & CoNew York
Henry K. Brewer & Co., StationersNew York
Breuker & Kessler, Lith.Philadelphia
A. Brett, Lith.Philadelphia
The Wm. H. Brett Eng. Co.Bostom
Britton & Co.San Francisco
British American Bank Note Co.Ottawa
Britton & ReySan Francisco
Lith Britton & ReySan Francisco
Brown & WilsonNew York
Arthur BrownNew York
Arthur P. BrownNew York
The Brooks Co, Litho.Cleveland
The Brown Eager & Hull Co.Toledo, OH
Broun, Green & AdamsNew York
Edward V. BrokawNew York
Edward V. Brokaw & Bro.New York
J. T. BronsseanQuebec
Brooks Bank Note Co.New York
L B Brooks CoBoston
Lyman B. BrooksBoston
Brown Tracey & Co.St Paul
The Broun-Green Co.New York
Browers Bros. StationersNew York
Brown Printing CoLittle Rock, AR
Bryon & Son, Printers and Stationers
James Buckley & Co.New Orleans
James Buckley & Co., Ltd.New Orleans
Budden & Son, LithAtlanta
Budden & Son, LithographersAtlanta
E. R. Budden & SonAtlanta
Bufford Lith.Boston
J. H. Bufford's Lith.Boston
John H. Bufford's Lith.Boston
Bufford Bro'sNew York
Buffalo Bank Note Co.Nuffalo, NY
J. H. Bufford's Sons Lith.Boston
The Bufford's Sons, LithoBoston
Bugler Litho. Co.Milwaukee
Bullard Printing HouseWheeling, WV
William B. Burford Lith.Indianapolis
William B. Burford, PrinterIndianapolis
Burk & McFetridge Co., Lith.Philadelphia
Burk & McFetridge Co., Prs.Philadelphia
A. H. & C. Burley, StationersChicago
A. J. Burke, PrinterCharleston, SC
C G BurgoyneNew York
J. W. Burke & Co, printersMacon, GA
Burley & Co, StationersChicago
Burley, Stationer
Burleys, StationersChicago
John M. Burnet
Burrows & Co, PrintersDayton, OH
Bussy Ellerman Harms B.V.Amsterdam
Druk de Bussy Ellerman Harms BVAmsterdam
Busong & Co.Portland OR
Druk de BussyAmsterdam
Druk van J. H. De BussyAmsterdam
J H van Druk de BussyAmsterdam
F. L. ButmanBoston
Butler & KelleyNew York
Buxton & SkinnerSt Louis
Buxton & Skinner Lith.St Louis
B. W. & Co.
J. J. Byers, Printer & StationerSan Francisco
Calvert & Co. Lith.Detroit
The Calvert Lith Co.Detroit
California Litho. Co.San Francisco
Cameron, Amberg & Co.Chicago
Cameron, Amberg & Co. PrintChicago
Cameron, Amberg & Co. Stationers and PrintersChicago
Cambridgeport Diary Co, StationersBoston
Canada Bank Note Co, Ltd.Toronto
The Canada Eng. & Litho. Co., Ltd
The Cargill Co.Houston
Carson& Armstrong StationersNew Orleans
A. Carlisle & Co.San Francisco
Carson Appeal Print.
A. S. Carter Stamps, Seals and PrintingDenver
Wm A Carrie & Co., Lith.Boston
Caribbean Security Ptg
W B Carpenter & Co, PrintersCincinnati
Case, Tiffany & Co.Hartford, CT
Casilear, Durand, Burton & EdmondsNew York
John J Caulon, PrinterNew York
C. Clark & Co. Ben Franklin Printing HouseCincinnati
Central Banknote Co.
Century Lith. Co.Philadelphia
Chadwick, PrinterBoston
William ChadwickBoston
William Chadwirck, PrinterBoston
Champion PrintAtchison, KS
Chandler, PrPhiladelphia
S. D. Childs & Co., PrintersChicago
C. C. Childs, PrinterNew York
Chicago Daily Democrat
Chicago Lithograph Co.Chicago
Chipron Stamp Co/Los Angeles
Chron. & Sent. Print.
Wm. M. Christy, Stationer and PrinterPhiladelphia
Cincinnati Gazette Print.Cincinnati
Clarke & Courts LithGalveston
Clarke & Courts StationersGalveston
Clark & RasserPhiladelphia
Clay Cosack & Co.Buffalo NY
Robt. Clarke & Co Prs.
J. C. Clark & SonPhiladelphia
John C. ClarkPhiladelphia
John C. Clark, PrinterPhiladelphia
Clarks, PrintersPhiladelphia
Clarion Steam PrintJackson, MS
Clauder Printing Co.
E. B. Clayton's SonsNew York
E. B. Clayton's Sons, StationersNew York
C.H. Clayton & Co.New York
Charles H. Clayton & Co.New York
Chas. H Clayton & Co., StationersNew York
E. G. Christoph Lith Co.Chicago
C. Clement, PrinterRacine, WI
Cleveland Herald PrintCleveland
Clifton & Hillburn, Job PrintersEaston, PA
H. Cogswell & Co., StationersNew York
H. Cogswell, Printer and StationerNew York
H. Cogswell, StationerNew York
The Col. B. B. Mfg. Co.
Columbian Bank Note Co.
Collier & Cleveland, Lith. Co. Printers.Denver
Collier & Cleaveland, Lith.Denver
Cole Litho Co.Chicago
Eugene R. Cole, StationerNew york
Collins Bowne & Co.New York
Colonist Lith.
G. W. & C. B. Colton & Co.New York
Combe LithoSt Joseph, MO
Com'l Adv. PrintBuffalo
Comlys Printers - Dayton Journal Job OfficeDayton
Compañia Litografica de la HabanaHavana
Commonwealth Printing HouseTopeka, KS
Commercial PrintToledo
Continental Bank Note Co.New York
Cooke Bank Note Co.New York
Coolidge & Wiley, Pr.
Co-operative Printing Co
The Cootey CompanyMinnesapolis
Corlies, Macy & Co.New York
Corlies, Macy & Co., StationersNew York
R. P. Corlies & Macy, StationersNew York
R. P. Corlies, Macy & Co., StationersNew York
Benj. F. Corlies, StationerNew York
Charles M. CornwellNew York
C. M. Cornwell, Lith.New York
Charles M. Cornwell, LithographerNew York
Chas. M. Cornwell, StationerNew York
Corporation Supply Co.Chicago
Cosack & Co.Buffalo, NY
Corporation Service CoWilmington, DE
Cotton & GouldBoston
Courier Job Press
Courier-Journal Job PressLouisville, KY
The Courier Lith. Co.Buffalo, NY
Courier-Journal Lith.Louisville, KY
Courier PrintWinfield, KS
Cowan McClure & Co.
Crawford & ReynoldsNew York
Craig, Finley & Co.Philadelphia
Geo. W. Crane & Co.Topeka
Geo. W. Crane & Co., Printers and BindersTopeka
Geo. W. Crane Publishing Co.Topeka
Geo. W. Crane, Printer, Binder and StationerTopeka
The Geo. W. Crane Publishing Co.Topeka
C. G. Craford & Co., StationersNew York
Crissy & Markley, PrintersPhiladelphia
Crocker & Co.San Francisco
Crocker & Co. pt.San Francisco
H S CrockerSan Francisco
H. S. Crocker Co.San Francisco
Lith. H. S. Crocker CompanySan Francisco
Crocker's PrintSacramento
Pearre E. Crowl Co., PrintersBaltimore
M. Cullaton & Co, PrintersRichmond, IN
Culver, Page, Hoyne, & Co. PrintersChicagp
Culver, Page, Hoyne, & Co. StationersChicago
The Cumberland Office Supply CoCumberland, MD
Cunnigham, Curtiss & Welch, StationersSan Francisco
M. E. Cunningham & Co.Pittsburg, PA
Curtiss & Bradley, Mfg. StationersNew Haven, CT
Curtiss & WhiteUtica, NY
Cushungs & BaileyBaltimore
Cutter Tower & Co.Boston & New York
Cutter Tower & Co.Boston
Cutter Tower & Co., Stationers and PrintersNew York
The Daggett Printing Co.Charleston, SC
Daily Freeman Steam Print.Kingston, NY
The Daily and Weekly 'Delta' OfficeNew Orleans, LA
Damrell & Moore
Danforth, Wright & Co.New York and Philadelphia
Danforth Bald & CoConcinnati
Danforth Bald & Co.Philadelphia
Danforth, Spencer & HuftyNew York
Danforth Underwood & CoNew York
Data Business Forms
Hall L. Davis, StationerPortland ME
Richard DavisBoston
Dayton Journal Job OfficeDayton, OH
Dayton Journal PrintDayton, OH
Dayton Gazette PrintDayton, OH
Lit Debray SucsMexico
Dement Printing Co.Meridian, MS
Democratic Press PrintChicago
Democrat Litho. and Print Co.St Louis
Democrat Print.
Democrat Steam PressGrand Rapids, MI
Denison & SonNew York, Boston
Denison & Sons, LithoNew York
Dennison & BrownNew York
Dennison & Brown, Lith.New York
Denver Litho. Co.Denver
The Denver Lith Co.Denver
M R DennisNewark, NJ
Edward Denny & Co, PrintersSan Francisco
Geo. H. Denny & CoSt Louis
Denison Smith & Co, StationersNew York
de la Rue & Co.
Devoe & Crampton, StationersRock Island, IL
Dewey & EakinsPhiladelphia
Dickinson Printing HouseBoston
S. N. Dickinson, PrinterBoston
Dickinson & Co, PrsBoston
Dickinson & Wentworth, Prs.Boston
Daily Journal of Commerce PrintKansas City, MO
W. L. Deland, Print.Boston
Daily Messenger Book & JobOwensboro, KY
Doane & GreenoughBoston
F. S. Dodge & Co.New York
F. S. Dodge & Co., Printers & StationersNew York
Dodge & GrattonNew York
Dodson & Scott, PrintersAtlanta
Doherty & Co. Printers
Lith. by Doniat & ZastrowMilwaukee, WI
Dorsey-LithoDallas, TX
Dorsey Printing CoDallas, TX
Douglass Pr.
Draper, Welsh & Co.Philadelphia
Draper Toppan Carpenter & Co.
Draper, Toppan, Longacre & Co.Philadelphia, New York
Draper Underwood Bald & SpencerPhiladelphia
C. Drew, PrinterJacksonville, FL
Horace DrewJacksonville, FL
W. S. Drummond, PrinterBoston
H. D. Dumont, Lith.New York
G. H. Dunston, Lith.Buffalo, NY
Erastus F. Duna, StationerRockland, ME
Durand, Baldwin & Co.New York
Duross Bros. PrintersPhiladelphia
Dutton & Wentworth, PrintersBoston
P. S. Duval & Son, Lith.Philadelphia
Duval, Williams & Duval, Lith.Philadelphia
J. H. Duyckinck, Printer and StationerNew York
John H. Duyckinck StationerNew York
Eagle and Enquirer, print.
Eagle Printing HousePoughkeepsie, NY
Eastburn's PressBoston
Eastern Bank Note Co.Philadelphia
Eastman Print
Eaton Register Print
Eaton Weekly Register Print
E. A. Wright Bank Note Co.Philadelphia
John F. Eby & Co., PrintersDetroit
Echo Steam Printing HouseKeyser, WV
Edgar C Rowe Co. Inc.New York
Edwards & Franklin Co.Youngstown, OH
A. J. Edwards, StationerNY
Edwards & Broughton, PrintersRaleigh, NC
Egbert Fidland & Chambers, Prs.Davenport, IA
Ehrgott, Forbriger & Co.Cincinnati
Ehrgott & Krebs Lith.Cincinnati
E. I. Aguilar
The Eichbaum PressPittsburgh
Jos. Eichbaum & Co, Print
The Chas. H. Elliott Co.Philadelphia
Elletson, Pr.Parkersburg, WV
Geo. H. Ellis Co.Boston
Geo. H. Ellist, PrinterBoston
Ellerman, Harms & Co.Amsterdam, NED
H. W. Elliot & Co.New York
Jno. Ellis, EngraverToronto
Robert H. Ellis, StationerNew York
R. R. Elliot & Co.New York
Endicott & Co.New York
Enquirer Print
Joh. EnschedéHaarlem, Netherlands
Joh. EnschedéHaarlem, Netherlands
Enterprise Job Print (Territorial Enterprise)(Nevada Territory)
Enterprise Print (job printing office of Territorial Enterprise)(Nevada Territory)
Enterprise PrintDecatur City IA
Enterprise Steam Print
J. ErnestNew York
Estee & SmithNew York
Evans & CogswellColumbia, SC
A. O. Evans, Power Press PrinterHoboken
Evansville Journal Job OfficeEvanville, IN
J. J. Evans, Stationer & PrinterSan Francisco
Evans Pr
Evans, PrPhiladelphia
Evening Post Job Printing OfficeNew York
Evening Call Print.
Evening Post Print
Everit Bros.Dutch Church, NY
Excelsior-Legal Inc.Norcross, GA
Excelsior PrintQuincy, IL
Excelsior Printing Works
Jos. Fachbaum & Co.Pittsburgh
Fairbank, Benedict & Co., PrintersCleveland
The Falconer Co.Baltimore
Falls City Lth. Co.Louisville, KY
Falls City Ltho. Co.Louisville, KY
Farmer Bank Note Co.Boston
Fassett, PrinterSt Joseph, MO
Franklin Bank Note Co.New York
Federated Banknote Co
Federated Banknote Printing Co.
Felt & Co., LithNew York
W. Felt & Co, StationersNew York
David Felt & CoNew York
H. FergusonAlbany, NY
Ferris Bros.Wilmington, DE
Ferd. J. FickerNew York
J. F. Finkeldy, Agt. Lith.Philadelphia
J. F. Finkeldy, Lith. ofPhiladelphia
Fisher & FieldNew York
T. Fitzwilliam & Co Stationers & LithographersNew Orleans
T. Fitzwilliam & Co. Ltd.New Orleans
Franklin Lee Division - American Bank Note Co.
Franklin Lee Bank Note Co.New York
Floridian PrintTallahassee, FL
Florida Sentinal Office
John Ford & Son, PrintersCambridge, MA
Forman Basset CoCleveland
Forbes Co.Boston
Forman-Bassett-Hatch Co.Cleveland
W. H. Forbes & Co.
M. P. FosterNew York
Foster & Parkes Co.
Foster & EppleyNew York
Foster & Gerrish, PrintersPortland, ME
Foster, Gerrish & Co, PrintersPortland, ME
L. S. Foster, StationerNew York
Francis & LoutrelNew York
Francis & Loutrel, PrintersNew York
Francis & Loutrel, StationersNew York
J. Frank & SonsNew York
Francis & Valentine, Printers and EngraversSan Francisco
Franklin Engraving & Printing Co.
J. W. Franks & SonsPeoria, IL
Franklin PressPueblo, CO
Franklin Printing Co.Philadelphia
Franklin Printing HouseBoston
Franklin Prtg. HouseAtlanta
Franklin Prtg. & Pub. Co.Atlanta
Franklin Printing RoomsMadison, IN
E. L. Freeman & Son, StationersProvidence, RI
Freeman Print.
Fredonian PrintNew Brunswick, NJ
I. Friedenwald Lith.Baltimore, MD
Garfields, PrintersFitchburg, MA
George L. Garrigues, Steam Print.Philadelphia
A. Gast Bank Note & Litho. Co.St Louis
A. Gast Bank Note Co.St Louis
Aug. Gast Bank Note Co.St Louis
L. Gast & Bro.St Louis
Leop. Gast & Brother, Lith.St Louis
A. Gast & Co.St Louis
August Gast & Co.St Louis
GastSt Louis, New York & San Francisco
Gast & Co. Lith.St Louis
Gate City Pr.
Gavit & Co.Albany, NY
Gazette Co, PrintersFort Wayne, IN
Gazette JournalHastings, NE
Lith. by Gazette JournalHastings, NE
Gazette Steam Print
Gibson, Miller & RichardsonOmaha, NE
Gary, Clemmitt & Jones, PrintersRichmond, VA
A. G. GedneyWashington, DC
General Litho & Ptg Co.Seattle
F. W. Geo.
German & Bro. Lith.Louisville
Gibson Bros. Prs.Washington
Gibson, Miller & Richardson, PrintersOmaha, NE
Gibson & Co.Cincinnati, OH
Giesecke & DevrientBerlin, Leipzig
Gies & Co.Buffalo, NY
Thos. Gilbert PrinterColumbus, GA
Gilmore PrinterDubuque, IA
Glass & Prudhomme, Printers and Lithos.Portland, OR
Globe Litho Co.New York
Globe Stationers & Printers
Glutas & DuttonSan Francisco
Goes Lithographing CoChicago
Goodwin & Driske, PrintersBoston
Gotshall & Martin's PrintingCanton, OH
Gould & HuttonNew York
Gould & Hutton, Printers & Lithographers
G. W. GouldAlbany, NY
W. Reid GouldNew York
The Gowdy-Simmons Co.Colorado Springs
Gray, Smallwood & Co., PrintersHouston
Grant & Sons LtdVancouver, BC
Graham & Co.New York
J. C. Graham & Co., PrintersSalt Lake City
GrantVancouver, BC
Gratton Printing HousePhiladelphia
E. N. GrattonPhiladelphia
Stephen Green. Lith.Philadelphia
R.H. Green, Ltho.
Griggs Watson & Day, PrintersDavenport, IA
Griffith & Byrne
J. Griffin's Press
L. M. Grist, PrinterYorkville, SC
T. Groom & Co., StationersBoston
Thos. Groom & Co.Boston
T. J. Groves & Co, Staam (sic) Book & Job PrintersEvansville, IN
Greenfield Vedette Print
Guardian PrintPaterson, NJ
Guggenheimer & Weil. Prs.Baltimore
The Gugler Litho. Co.Milwaukee, WI
Imp. C. GutzmannParis
I. Guyot, Typ. et Lih.Brussels
Haas & KelleyBuffalo, NY
Hass & Klein, Prs.Buffalo
Hackett Print.
Haehnlen, Pr.Philadelphia
J. HaehnlenPhiladelphia
A HageboeckDavenport, IA
Hall Litho. Co.Topeka
Hall & O'Donald Litho. Co, PrintersTopeka, KS
Hall, Clayton & Medole, PrintersNew York
The J. C. Hall Co.Providence, RI
John H. HallAlbany, NY
John Hamilton Stationer and PrinterNew York
John Hamilton, StationerNew York
Hamilton & Adams Stationers & PrintersNew York
E. A. Hammond, StationerBoston
J. C. HammettChicago
J. T. HammondNew Orleans
J. D. HammersleyRichmond, VA
Thomas J. HamHonesdale, PA
Hani Armor & Fernhoke Lith.Pittsburgh
Hanford & Wool, Printers, Stationers, &e.
C. R. Hanlelter, PrinterAtlanta
Hannum, PrinterWilkes-Barre, PA
Hart & Mapother, Prs.Louisville, KY
Harrison & Sons, Lith.London
Harper, printersCincinnati
Press of Harris, Fairbanks & Co.Cleveland, OH
George S Harris & Sons, Lith.Philadelphia
Jas. P. Harrison & Co.Atlanta
Francis Hart & Co, PrintersNew York
Francis Hart & Co., Printers and StationersNew York
Hart, PrinterNew York
Lane S Hart, PrHarrisburg, PA
Hasbrouck, Thistle & Co.New York
Hasslock & Ambrose, PrintersNashville, TN
J. A. H. HasbrouckNew York
Haskell Printing Co.Atchison, KS
The Hatch Lithographic Co.New York
Hatch & Co.New York
Geo. W. Hatch Jr. & CoNew York
Haven, PrintPittsburgh
Hay Bros. & HiltorffNew York
Hamilton Bank Note Co.New York
H. D. Angel CoBoston
W.H. HebertNew York
Helfenstein & Lewis, Lith.Philadelphia
Helfenstein, Lewis & Greene, LithPhiladelphia
The Henderson-Achert-Krebs Lith. Co.Cincinnati
The Henderson Litho Co.Cincinnati
Heppenheimer & MaurerNew York
Herald PrintCleveland
Herald PrintOmaha, NE
Herline & Co., Lith.Philadelphia
Herald PressOmaha, NE
Herald PrintDallas
Herald Steam Print
Hess & Brennan, PrintersTerre Haute, IN
Heinicke-Fiegel Lith. Co.St Louis
Heinicke-Fiegel Lithographing Co.St. Louis
HFLCo (Heinike-Fiegel Litho. Co.)St. Louis
Homer Lee Bank Note Co.New York
Homer LeeMansfield OH
Hobbs & Warren Co.Boston
Hobbs & Warren LithBoston
S. Hobbs & Co., Prs.Boston
Samuel Hobbs & Co. Lith.Boston
Samuel Hobbs & Co., Prs.
A. Hoen & Co, Lith.Baltimore
A. Hoen & Co.Baltimore
Lith by A. Hoen & Co.Baltimore
The C. F. Hoeckel B. B. Co.
A. Hoen & Co.Richmond
D. M. HoganPhiladelphia
Hogan & Bechtel Stationers
Hogan & ThompsonPhiladelphia
Oliver HolmanBoston
T. R. Holland Lith.Boston
Hooper, Lewis & Co.Boston
Hosford & Co.New York
Hosford & KetchumNew York
William H. HoskinsPhiladelphia
Wm. H. HoskinsPhiladelphia
Hosford & SonsNew York
Hosford & Sons, LithographersNew York
Hosford & Sons, PrintersNew York
Hosford & Sons, Stationers and PrintersNew York
Howell Lith. Co.Hamilton, ONT
Robert H Howell & CoNashville, TN
Huber & WalterPaterson, NJ
Hudden & SonAtlanta
Hudson-Kimberly Pub. Co.Kansas City, MO
J. Hufty, StationerPhiladelphia
J. Huken, Printer
Humming Bird Print
Huston, Ashmead & Co.Philadelphia
Huston, Ashmead, Smith Co. Ltd.Philadelphia
International Bank Note Co.New York
Ihling Bros. & EverardKalamazoo, MI
Inquirer Job Printing OfficePhiladelphia
Indiana State Journal Steam Press
Intelligencer PressWheeling, WV
The Inter-State Pub. Co.Kansas City, MO
Iredell Express Job OfficeStatesville, NC
The Irwin-Hudson Co.Portland, OR
A. E. Ivers, Stationer and PrinterNew York
G. H. Ives, Pr.Philadelphia
Ives & Walstrom
Dwight & M. H. JacksonChicago
Jacob & Holmes PrintersChicago
Jackson, Pr.Philadelphia
James & WebbWilmington, DE
H. & E. F. James, PrintersWilmington, DE
Jeffries Bank Note Co.Los Angeles
Jeffries Banknote Co.
Jennings Bros., Printers and Blank Book MakersMarshall, TX
J. L. Fairbanks, StationerBoston
E. Johns & Co.New Orleans
Johnstons Print
Johnson, Printer
W. G. Johnston & Co., Print
Jones & Wiliams Lith.New York
C. O. JonesNew York
C. O. Jones, StationerNew York
I. N. Jones & Son PrintRichmond, VA
J. M. W. Jones StationerChicago
J. M. W. Jones Sty & Ptg CoChicago
The J. M. W. Jones Stationery & Printing Co.Chicago
The J. M. W. Jones Stt & Ptg CoChicago
Jordan Stationery Co.New York
Lewiston Falls JournalLewiston Falls, ME
Journal Co, Printer and BindersEvansville, IN
C. JourgensenNew York
Journal Job PrintNorfolk, VA
Journal Press
John B. JudsonGloversville, NY
Kansas Publishing HouseTopeka
Kendall Bank Note Co.New York
W. Kearney, StationerNew York
M. Burr KeimPhiladelphia
Kellow & BrownLos Angeles
Geo. F. KellerNew York
Kellogg & BulkeleyHartford, CT
Kelly & Piet, PrintBaltimore
Kelly, Piet & Co.Baltimore
Kennard & HayNew York
Kennard & Hay Stationery, Mfg & Printing Co.New York
Kent & Norman PrintersNew Albany, IN
Kentucky Litho Co.Louisville
Kenyon's PressDes Moines
Wm. J. KeslSt Louis?
Charles F. Ketcham & CoNew York
Charles. F. KetchamNew York
Chas. F. KetchamNew York
Chas. F. Ketcham, Stationer and PrinterNew York
E. Ketterlinus, Lith.Philadelphia
K. B.New York
A. B. KingNew York
Albert B. King & Co.New York
Albert B. King, Printer and SationerNew York
Lithographed A. B. KingNew York
King, Fowle & Katz, Printers
E. A. Kingsland & CoNew York
The King PressNew York
The W. H. Kistler Stationery Co.Denver
Klauprech & Menzel's Lith.Cincinnati
Klin, Linder & Bauer, Litho Co.New York
Klopp & Bartlett Co. Litho.Omaha, NE
The Knapp Co.New York
J. Knaurer & CoMilwaukee, WI
Knight & Leonard, PrintersChicago
Knickerbocker Litho. Co.New York
Korff Bros. & Co.New York
Korff BrothersNew York
Koues BrothersNew York
T. V. Kraft & Co.New York
C. E. KrackNew York
Otto Krebs LithPittsburgh
Krebs Lithographing Co.Cincinnati
Lakeside PressPortland, ME
Lambert & LaneNew York
Langdon & Rounds, Printers
Lansing Daily Journal, Steam Printing HouseLansing, MI
Nathan Lane & Co.New York
Jas. J. LangdonChicago
Latimer Brothers & Seymour, StationersNew York
M. Laughlin Bros. CoPhiladelphia
S. C. LawNew York
L. F. Lawrence, Adams & Co.Boston
L. F. Lawrence & Co.Boston
L. F. Lawrence & Co., Printers
L. W. LawrenceNew York
Le Count Bros.San Francisco
O. Lederle, LithographerMemphis
Ledger Printing HouseEmporia, KS
George E. LeefeNew York
Legal Stationery CoNew York
Lehman & BoltonPhiladelphia
Lehman & Bolton, Inc.Philadelphia
Lehman & Bolton, Lith.Philadelphia
Lehman & Bolton, PrintersPhiladelphia
H. G. LeisenringSt Paul
Theo. Leonhardt & SonPhiladelphia
Albert J. LeonNew York
Levison & BlytheSt Louis
Levison & Blythe, Prs.St Louis
Levison & Blythe, StationersSt Louis
Levison & Blythe, Staty Co.St Louis
Benjamin LevyNew Orleans
Lewis & Dryden Lith. Co.Portland, OR
Lewis & Greene, LithPhiladelphia
E. A. Lewis & Co, StationersBridgeport, CT
A. H. Linaweaver, Commercial Printer and EngraverFindlay, OH
Lipman & Riddle, Lith.Milwaukee, WI
Lipman & Riddle, PtrMilwaukee, WI
J. B. Lippincott & Co.Philadelphia
J. Lirman, GraveurParis, France
Lisk & Barnum, PrintersTroy, NY
E. H. Lisk, Printer and StationerTroy, NY
E. C. LockwoodNew York
H. G. LoisearingPhiladelphia
Loring, Short & HarmonPortland, ME
Loring, Short & Harmon, StationersPortland, ME
Los Angeles Lithographic Co.Los Angeles
Louisville Lith. Co.Louisville, KY
Louisville Lithographing Co.Louisville, KY
Louisville Steam Lithographing Co.Louisville, KY
John A. Lowell & CoBoston
John A. Lowell & Son
John A. Lowell Bank Note Co.Boston
J. S. Lucas & Son. Print
Lucas and Son, PrsBaltimore, MD
James Lucas
Ludwig & Keatinge EngrsRichmond, VA
Luse & Griggs, PrintersDavenport, IA
Jas. Lucas & Son, Prs.
Jas. Lucas & Son's Steam Press
Luse & Bro., prLafayette, IN
Conrad LutzBurlington, IA
J.C. Lutz & Co.Springfield, MA
J. H. Lyon Printer
Macbrair Lith. Co.Cincinnati
Macoy & Herwig, StationersNew York
Mackenzie Davis Litho. Co.Pittsburgh
Geo. MackNew York
Mail Printing Co.
The Major & Knapp Eng. Mfg. & Lith. Co.New York
Wm. Mann & Merkel CoPhiladelphia
Manhattan EngravingNew York
Mann, StationerPhiladelphia
Mann, Steam-Power PrinterPhiladelphia
William Mann Co.Philadelphia
Wm. Mann, PrinterPhiladelphia
Wm. Mann, Steam-Power PrinterPhiladelphia
Wm. Mann, Steam-Power Printer & StationerPhiladelphia
Mann, Stearns & BealeNew York
Mart & Mapother, PrintersLouisville
Geo. E. Marshall & Co, StationersChicago
Markley & Son Prs.Philadelphia
John MarshBoston
Martin's Steams Printing HouseNew York
Wm. Martin Co., PrintersPhiladelphia
Marx-Lyons CompanyPhiladelphia
Masters, Lee & Stone, PrintersSyracuse, NY
Matchett, printer
Jos. R. Matthwes & CoPittsburgh
Maverick & WissingerNew York
Maverick, Stephan & Co.New York
Mayer, Merkel & Ottmann, Lith.New York
Eli MaynardUtica, NY
Ferd. MayerNew York
Ferd. Mayer & Co. Lith.New York
Ferd. Mayer & Co., LithographersNew York
Ferd. Mayer & Sons, Gen'l Lithog.New York
Metropolitan Bank Note Co.New York
J. T. McCarty, Printer
McEwan & Feild Printers (spelling?)Provo, UT
John R. McFetridge & Sons, Lith.Philadelphia
James McGuigan, Litho.Philadelphia
McIlroy & EmmetNew York
McKee Printiing CoButte, MT
D. McLellan, Lith.New York
McLaughlin Brother Prs.
McManus, Lith.Philadelphia
H. O. MeekerNew York
Memphis Eagle and EnquirerMemphis, TN
Ed. MendelChicago
Edw. MendelChicago
Mendle Printing CoSt Louis
Mercantile Printing Co.Chicago
P. A. Mesier & Co. LithNew York
Albert Metz & Co. Printers & StationersNew York
The Meyercord Co.Chicago
J. Meyers IncNew York
J. Meyers, Stat. & Ptg. Co.New York
Lith. of F. MichelinNew York
Middleton & Wallace Litho.Cincinnati
Middleton Wallace & Co, Lith.Cincinnati
J. W. Middleton & Co.Chicago
Middleton Strobridge & Co.Cincinnati
Middleton Strobridge LithCincinnati
Millard & Decker, StationersChicago
Mills, Knight & Co.Boston
Mills Engraving Co., Printers
Milwaukee Litho. & Engr. Co.Milwaukee
Lon. M. Miller
Mills & Co. LithDes Moines, IA
Mills & Co., PrintersDes Moines, IA
Milwaukee Sentinel
Mingay's Job Print
Mobile Register Print.
Moers IncDetroit
Monash Litho. Co.Minneapolis
The Monitor Printing Co.Fort Scott, KS
Monitor Publishing HouseFort Scott, KS
Monitor Steam PrintFort Scott, KS
C. C. P. Moody, PrinterBoston
E. N. Moore & Co., Prs.Boston
Moore, Wilstach & Baldwin, StationersCincinnati
Moore, Wilstach Keys & Co, PrintersCincinnati
Morrison & Bidland, StationersNew York
Morton & Griswold, PrintersLouisville
Morrill & Silsby, Agents, Printers
Morse & Tuttle, EngraversBoston
Morrell Bros.Philadelphia
Morris Clawson & Co.
John Morris Co.Chicago
Lith. John Morris Co.Chicago
John P. Morton, PrintersLouisville
Morgan Lith. Co.Cleveland
W. J. Morgan & Co Lith.Cleveland
W. J. Morgan & Co.Cleveland
Moss & Co.Philadelphia
S. S. Motley, StationerNew York
Mount & Co.Cleveland
Mudge & Corliss, PrintersBoston
Alfred Mudge & Son, PrintersBoston
Alfred Mudge & Son, Printers & StationersBoston
Mudge & Son, PrintersBoston
P. S. M. Munro, Typographer and DesignerNew York
Chas. F. Muntz & Co. Lith.Rochester, NY
Murphy & Co.Baltimore
Murphy & Co., Printers, Publishers, Booksellers & StationersBaltimore
J. P. Murphy, Pr.Philadelphia
Murphy, prBaltimore
William F. Murphy's SonsPhiladelphia
William F. Murphy's Sons Co.Philadelphia
Wm. F. Murphy's SonsPhiladelphia
Mutual Label & Lith. Co.San Francisco
Myers Schoyer & Co.Pittsburgh
The Mysell Rollins Co.
New Albany Daily Ledger Print
H. J. Nale & SonNew York
National Bureau of EngravingPhi
National Bank Note Co.Cleveland
McNeil Bros PrintSan Jose, CA
New England Bank Note CoBoston
H. E. Nelson & Co.Newark, NJ
G. F. Nesbitt, Stationer and Printer
Geo. F. Nesbitt & Co.New York
George F. Nesbitt & Co.New York
George F. Nesbitt, PrinterNew York
George F. Nesbitt, Stationer and PrinterNew York
Nesbitt & Co., Print.
Nesbitt & Co., PrintersNew York
Nesbitt & Co., Printers and StationersNew York
Nevada PressCarson City
New England Lith. Co.Boston
New York Engraving & Printing Co.New York
New York Lith. & Eng. Co.New York
New York Printing Co.New York
News Printing CoDenver
News PrintMohawk, NY
Geo. N. NicholsSavannah, GA
Northern Bank Note Co.Chicago
W. T. Norman, eng.Hudson, OH
N. P. Bank Note Co.Seattle
North Pacific Bank Note Co.
not stated
New York Bank Note Co.New York
Observer Office PrintUtica, NY
Daniel O'DonnelPhiladelphia
Dan'l O'Donnel, lithPhiladelphia
J. O'FlynNew York
Ohio Valley PressCincinnati
Ohio State JournalColumbus, OH
Omaha Printing CompanyOmaha
Omaha Republican PrintOmaha
Orcutt Co Lith.Chicago
C. E. O'Sullivan, Printer
Out West Pt'g & Sta'y CoColorado Springs
Oval & Koster LithIndianapolis
Owman & Ranford, Litho.Seattle
Press of John PartridgeSan Francisco
J. T. Paterson & Co.
Robt. D. Patterson Staty. CoSt Louis
F. C. PaxsonPhiladelphia
Payot-Upham & Co.San Francisco
R. C. Pearson, Litho.London
Pelletreau & ColeNew York
Pelletreau & Raynor Lith.New York
M. K. PelletreauNew York
D. Pelt & HosfordNew York
Pelton & King, Print.
H. L. Penfield, LithNew York
R. E PendergastScranton, PA
Pentagon PressHudson, OH
Peoples Paper PrintClermont, IA
Perkins Bros. Co.Sioux City, IA
Pernau Publishing Co
Pernau-Walsh Printing Co.San Francisco
W. H. Perrin & Co.New York
W. G. Perry
P. F. Pettibone & Co, Stationers and PrintersChicago
Pettibone Wells & CoChicago
Pharos Job Office
Philip & Solomons, PrintersWashington, DC
Pickford & Co StationersNew York
Lith. Pioneer Press Co.St Paul, MN
Pioneer PressSt Paul, MN
The Pioneer Press Mfg. DeptsSt Paul, MN
Matthias PlumNewark, NJ
John Polhemus Printing Co.New york
John Polhemus, Printer and Mf'g StationerNew York
Poole Bros.Chicago
Post Print.Santa Fe, NM
J. C. & W. L. Powers StationersNew York
R. E. PrendergastScranton, PA
Press Printing House
J. T. PrinceBoston
Progress Print
Pudney & RussellNew York
The Pueblo Litho. & Print. Co.Pueblo, CO
Punderson & CrisandNew Haven, CT
Quayle & SonNew York, Albany
Radcliffe & Co.New York
The Raeder Litho. Co.Wilkes-Barre, PA
Railway & Bankers Eng. & Lith. Co.New York
Railway Storm Printing WorksBoston
V. M. Ramée Jr., StationerNew York
V. M. Ramée Jr., Stationer and PrinterNew York
John C. Rankin, Jr.New York
Rand Avery & Co.Boston
Rand Avery & Co. PrintersBoston
Rand Avery Supply Co.Boston
Randolph & EnglandRichmond, VA
Geo. C. Rand & Avery, PrintersBoston
Rand McNally & Co.Chicago
John C. Rankin Co.New York
R. A. Supply Co.Boston
Republic Bank Note Co.Pittsburgh
Republic Bank Note Co.New York
Republic Bank Note Co. division of Security Bank Note Co.Pittsburgh
Rawdon Clark & Co.Albany, NY
Frank G. ReadNew York
Rees Print. & Litho. Co.Omaha
Register & ExaminerWest Chester, PA
Register Job OfficePiqua, OH
Register Print.
Reporter Job Printthree Rivers, MI
Republican OfficeWinchester, VA
Republican PrintWaverly, IA
Republican Pr.West Chester, PA
Review & Herald Steam PressBattle Creek, MI
Rich & Loutrel Lith.New York
C S Rice & CoDenver
The Richmond & Backus Co.Detroit
J. M. RichardsAugusta GA
R. D. Richardson & CoWinnipeg
Richards & Shaver Co., PrintAugusta, GA
M. D. Rider & Co, StationersChicago
Ridge & Co. Lith.Cincinnati
Ringo & Pruett
Riordan Printing CoNashville
Ritchie & DunnavantRichmond, VA
Rocky Mountain Bank Note Co.Denver, Salt Lake, Pueblo
Roberts & Bokee
Roberts & Son Lith.Birmingham
Julian B. RobinsonWilmington
J. Robinson, Printer
Robertson & SeibertNew York
Robertson Seibert & ShearmanNew York
W. F. RobertsWashington, DC
W. S. RobisonCleveland
W. F. Robinson & Co., PrintDenver
W. W. Roberts Co., StationersPortland, ME
H. W. Rodman, GazetteSaybrook, IL
G. S. Roe, Stationer and PrinterNew York
George Scott Roe, Stationer and PrinterNew York
Rogers & Smith Co, PrintersChicago
Rolph, Smith & Co.Toronto, ONT
R. C. Root & AnthonyNew York
R. C. Root & Anthony Co.New York
R. C. Root, Anthony & Co.New York
R. C. Root, Anthony & Co.StationersNew York
William W. Rose, Lith.New York
Wm. W. Rose, Lith.New York
Rosebuntz & Co, Lith.Boston
L. N. Rosenthal, lith.Phildelphia
Rosenthal Lith.Philadelphia
Rosser, Spring & Co. Prs.La Fayette, IN
Roudebush Pub. Co.Topeka, KS
Rounds & James, PrintersChicago
Russell's Steam Printing HouseNew York
Rawdon, Wright & HatchNew York
Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & EdsonNew York
Ryan West Banknote Co., Inc.New York
Sears & Cole, StationersNew York
Sears & Cole, Stationers and PrintersNew York
Sachse & Co. Lith.Baltimore
Sackett & CobbNew York
Sackett & Cobb, Print.
Sackett & MackayNew York
Sackett & Wilhelms Litho. Co.New York
Sage, Sons & Co.Buffalo, NY
Samuel Ward CoBoston
Sanford & CompanyCleveland
Lith by Sanford & HaywardCleveland
Sanford & Hayward, PrintersCleveland
Sanford & Hayward, Prs.Cleveland
Sanford & Hayward's PrintCleveland
Lucien Sanderson & Co.Boston
Jacques Sandmeyer, Lith.New York
Sanford's Print.
Sarony & Major Lith.New York
Security Bank Note Co.Philadelphia
Security Banknote Co.Philadelphia
Security-Columbian Bank Note Co.Philadelphia
Schaerff & Bro. Lith.St Louis, MO
Schwabacher Frey Stationery CoSan Francisco
Schuchman & HaunleinPittsburg
Carl Schleicher & SchüllDüren
Schmidt Label & Lith. Co.San Francisco
Schmidt Lith.San Francisco
Schmidt Lith. & LabelSan Francisco
Schmidt Litho. Co.San Francisco
Schmidt Lithograph Co.San Francisco
Schrader Lith.St Louis
Wm. Schuchman & Bros, Lith.Pittsburgh
Wm. Schuchman, LithPittsburgh
A. W. Scribner & Co, Printers
Scranton Litho. Co.Scranton, Pa
Scranton Republican PrintScranton, NY
Scranton Republican Lith.
Security-Columbian U. S. Bank Note Co.
Security-Columbian United States Banknote CorpNew York
Charles A. SearingNew York
Charles A. Searing, StationerNew York
Sears BrothersNew York
Sears Brothers Stationers & PrintersNew York
Searing & Hyde, StationersNew York
Sears Printing
Searing & Watson, StationersNew York
W. T. SeamanOmaha, NE
Henry Seibert & Bro. Co.New York
Henry Seibert & Bro. EngraversNew York
Henry Seibert & Bro. Lith.New York
Henry Seibert & BrosNew York
Jacob SeibertNew York
Semi-Weekly Floridian Steam Power Press Print.
R. F. Seudley & Co.St Louis
J. O. Seymour & CoNew York
J. O. Seymour, Kennard & HayNew York
Shaw & Borden Co
Shawmut Lith. Co.Boston
E. Shepard, Pr.Cincinnati
C. W. Sherwood, Lith.Chicago
Short & FormanCleveland, OH
Charles Shober & Co.Chicago
Chas. Shober & Co.Chicago
Chas. Shober & Co. Props & Chicago Lithg. Co.Chicago
Shober & Carqueville Lith. Co.Chicago
W. H. Shurtz, PrinterNewark, NJ
W. E. SibellNew York
William E. & J. SibellNew York
Wm. E & J Sibell, Stationers and PrintersNew York
Siebeling Bros.Philadelphia
T. Sinclair LithPhiladelphia
T. Sinclair's Lith.Philadelphia
Singerly & Meyors Lith.Harrisburg, PA
E. S. Skinner & Co, StationersChicago
E. S. Skinner & Co.Chicago
Charles Skipper
Charles Skipper & EastLondon
Charles Skipper & East, PrintersLondon
Skinner & Kennedy Stat. Co.St Louis
John Y. Slater, printerBaltimore
St Louis Democrat Litho. & Printing Co.
Salt Lake LithoSalt Lake City
Slote & JanesNew York
Slote & Janes, StationersNew York
Smith & ThomsonNew York
Smith BrooksDenver
The Smith Brooks PressDenver
H. C. Smith & Co.New York
Smith-Wehner Litho. Co.Pittsburgh
H. M. Smyth Print Co.St. Paul
R. P. Snadley Co. Lith.St Louis
Snyder & BlackNew York
Snyder & Black Lith.New York
Snyder, Black & SturnNew York
Southern Banner Job Office Print
Southern Stamp Printers
Southern Stamp & Stat'y Co PrintRichmond, VA
Southern Weekly Post
Spangler & DavisPhiladelphia
Spalding, Cotton & Co.
John Spencer, Printer & BookbinderPhiladelphia
Spectator PrintFranklin, PA
Spear, Johnson & Co.Toledo
G. A. Spin & ZoonAmsterdam
Spokane Litho. Co.
Spring, Robertson & Warwick's PrintLafayette, IN
Printed at the Springfield Times OfficeSpringfield, MO
Springfield TimesSpringfield, MO
Stacy & RichardsonBoston
Stadley & Co.St Louis
Stafford Co, Printers
T. J. Stafford, PrinterNew Haven, CT
George I. States, LithographerNew York
State Journal Steam PressIndianapolis
St Albans Messenger Co., Print.
St Albans Messenger Co, Print.
Standard Prtg. Co., Lith.Hannibal, MO
Standard Publishing CoSyracuse, NY
Standard Stationery Co.New York
W. H. Stanage & Co.Cincinnati
State Publishing Co.
State Register Printing HouseDes Moines, IA
Star Office
Starrs Job OfficeMilwaukee
State Journal CoLincoln, NE
St. Clair, PrinterWytheville, VA
Stephens Litho & Engraving Co.St Louis
Steng & PaxsonPhiladelphia
Stearns-BealeNew York
Stecher Lith Co.Rochester, NY
David Steel successor to Himes the PrinterPortland, OR
L. W. SteffanPhiladelphia
Stewart Haring & WarrenNew York
Stephens Litho. & Eng. Co.St Louis
Stephens Hayler & CoLondon
W.E. Stephens & Co.St Louis
Press of Edward Stern & Co.
Stewart Warren & Co. LithNew York
Stewart Warren & Benson CorpNew York
A. L. Stintes, PrSalen, OR
S. Stiles & Co.New York
S. Stiles, Sherman & SmithNew York
St Joseph Steam Print'g Co.St Joseph, MO
St Joseph Steam Printing Co.St Joseph, MO
St Louis Bank Note CoSt Louis
St Louis Bank Note EngraverSt Louis
Stowe & Wright, PrintersBaltimore
E. G. & H. B. Storer, PrintersNew Haven, CT
St. Paul Printing Co.St. Paul, MN
M. Strickland Lith.Galveston
Lith. by Strobridge Co.Cincinnati
Strobridge & Co, Lith.Cincinnati
Strobridge Co.Cincinnati
Strobridge Lith Co.Cincinnati
L. K. Strouse & Co.New York
R. P. Studley & Co
R. P. Studley & Co. Lith.St. Louis
R. P. Studley Co. Lith.St. Louis
The R. P. Studley Co, PrintersSt. Louis
Styles & CashNew York
Sudhaus & ErlenkoetterNew York
Sullivan & BrownZanesville, OH
Sun PrintGeorgetown, TX?
Sun Job PrintBaltimore, MD
South-Western Print
Tappan, Whittmore & Mason, BooksellersBoston
Tavel, Eastman & Howell, Print.Nashville, TN
H. S. Taylor, PrinterNew York
Toppan Carpenter & Co.Cincinnati
Toppan Carpenter & Casilear & Co.Philadelphia, New York
Telegraph Press
Thayer & Jackson Stationery Co.Chicago
M. Thalmessinger, StationerNew York
Thalmessinger & MeintheimNew York
C. F. Thomas & Co.Wilmington, DE
Frank L. Thresher, PrinterMinneapolis, MN
Wm. A. Throop & Co., StationersDetroit
Thurber, Koch & Schuele PrintHelena, MT
Thurston, PrinterPortland, ME
Thurston, Foster & Co, PrintersPortland, ME
Claudius Tidey Co.Norwich Ontario
Tiernan's Fast Job PrintLeavenworth, KS
Tiffany & Co.New York
T. Tigar, PrinterFt. Wayne
Times-Mirror Print
Times-Mirror Printing and Binding HouseLos Angeles
Times & Reformer PrintWatertwon, NY
Times PrintWillkes-Barre, PA
Isaac C. Titus & CoNew York
Tuttle, Morrhouse & Taylor, Printers
S. C. Toof & Co.Memphis
S. C. Toof & Co., Prs. & Liths.Memphis
Charles Toppan & Co.Philadelphia
Toronto Lith. Co. Ltd.Toronto
Torrey, Barden & Co.New York
H. J. Toudy & Co LithPhiladelphia
Times Publ'g Co.Bethlehem, PA
M. H. Traubel, Lith.Philadelphia
Tribune Lith. Co.Charleston, WV
John F. Trow, PrinterNew York
Truax & Company, PrintersBellows Falls, VT
True Republican OfficeHudson, WI
Trujillo SanchezHabana
Troy Times Art PressTroy, NY
Tucker, Hanford Co.Seattle
Tucker, PrinterPortland, ME
W. F. TuckerPhiladelphia
Wm. F. TuckerPhiladelphia
Turner & Co.Boston
The Tuttle Co.Rutland, VT
Tuttle & CoRutland, VT
Twitchell, PrinterBoston
Typographie CuretWashington DC
Underwood, Bald, Spencer & HuftyPhiladelphia
Union Lithographing Co.
Union Bank Note Co.Newark, NJ
Union Bank Note Co.Kansas City, MO
Press of the Unionist-Gazette
Unz & Co
Urz & Co.New York
U. S. Bank Note Co.Indianapolis
U. S. Corporation Co.New York
U. S. Steel & Litho. Co.
Utah Lithographing Co.Salt Lake City
E. M. Uzzell, Printer and BinderRaleigh, NC
A. VallenderCleveland, OH
Van Norden & Amerman, PrintersNew York
Van Norden & KingNew York
VanBeck, Barnard & TinsleySt Louis
Van Klerck, Clark & CoNew York
Wm. Van NordenNew York
Marcel Charles Verneau & Cie.Paris, France
J. G. von Arx Litho.New York
Wemple, Kronheim & Co., Lith.New York
The B. F. Wade Co., PrintersToledo
H. Wade & Co.Memphis, TN
WagrumNew York
E. M. Waite, Steam PrinterSalem, OR
Alex Wallace & Co.Mobile
W. H. Waldron & Co.Lewiston, ME
Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co.Charleston, SC
Walle & Co, Ltd.New Orleans
Walker, Young & Co.Boston
J. H Warner and John Beny
Warner & PoorNew York
F. R. WarleyNew York
J. H. WarnerNew York
J. H. Warner Co.New York
Warrensburg Journal Print
M. R. Warren, StationerBoston
Waterlow Bros. & LaytonLondon
Watchman Printing HouseBellefonte, PA
Waterlow & Sons, LtdLondon
Waters & Son
Western B N & Engraving Co.Chicago
Western Bank Note & Engraving Co.Chicago
Western Bank Note Co.Chicago
Western Bank Note & Eng. Co. / Western Division American Bank Note Co.Chicago
Weaver Brothers, PrintersMinerva, OH
Weed Parsons & Co.Albany, NY
E. F. WeeksNew York
A. L. Weise, Lith.Philadelphia
Wellstood, Hay & WhitingNew York
E. Wells SackettNew York
E. Wells, Sackett & BroNew York
E. Wells, Sackett & RankinNew York
Werner-AkronAkron, OH
Western Printing CoSalt Lake
Western Publishing & Engraving Co.Detroit
Western Printing & Publishing Co.Dayton, OH
A. Westbrook & Co, LithographersNew York
Weston Democrat PrintWeston, WV
Western Engaving CoChicago
Western Lith Co.Des Moines, IA
Western Texan Print
W. W. Weildon, Printer
W. W. Wheildon, Printer
William A WheelerNew York
Wheeling News Lith. Co.Wheeling, WV
Wheeling News Litho. Co.Wheeling, WV
White & Brayley, Lith.Buffalo & Chicago
Hal White Co.Oakland, CA
White, Pr.Boston
W. W. White, Stationer and PrinterNew York
Wichita Eagle Job OfficeWichita, KS
W. W. Wilson, Engraver & PrinterBoston
Wilbur & HastingsNew York
Wilbur & Hastings LithNew York
Wilstach, Baldwin & Co, StationersCincinnati
B. Wilkins & Co.Boston
David F. Williamson Co.Buffalo NY
W. H. Williams & Co. PrintersLewiston, ME
Wimsley, Thorp & Dresser
Winkley Dresser & CoBoston
William BrownLondon
Woeltie & Cutting, StationersNew York
Woodward & TiernanSt Louis
Woodward & Tiernan Prtg. Co.St Louis
Woodward & Tiernan Ptg. Co.St Louis
D. A. WoodsworthNew York
Wood & Brothers
T. BoodNew York
J. B. Wood Jr & Co, PrintersGreat Falls
Woodward, Tiernan & HaleSt Louis
Wright & Potter, PrintersBoston
T. Wrightson, PrinterCincinnati
Wycliffe Press Corporation StationersNew York
Yerkes PrintingWoodward & Tiernan
E. B. YoungBaltimore
Zanesville Courier, Job Print.Zanesville, OH
A. T. Zeising & Co, Prs.Philadelphia
Wm. Zeuch & Co. LithographersChicago
Zimmerman Lith.Cincinnati