Example of a certificate, 640 pixels wide, displayed on this site.
Images are crucial to the identification of certificates. Images are displayed on this website when they are of sufficient quality.
Since 1990, I have managed to acquire some sort of digitial image for almost 70% of the known varieties. HOWEVER, over 3,000 of those images are too poor for display on this site and more than 4,500 are small and need replacement. Over 10,000 (!) varieties are listed on this site based strictly on verbal descriptions and images in auction catalogs and price lists.
To say it bluntly, I NEED YOUR HELP acquiring decent images of over 18,000 railroad certificates. I estimate that anyone who has been collecting North American railroad certificates for more than two or three years has SOMETHING I need for this site. Or they can help improve images here if they will only take the time.
And please remember, I am maintaining this site for COLLECTORS . I don't make a cent off this site.
You can help this project greatly by sending scans or photographs of certificates you have.
Images of any and all certificates will help add to the knowledge base by contributing serial numbers, dates and share values. I appreciate photographs and can use some of them when they are not terribly distorted and unevenly lit.
Scanned images of certificates are the most valuable for illustrating certificates. In general, I prefer images to be scanned at resolutions of least 300 dpi (dots per inch = 118 dots per cm) if possible. Lower-resolution scans can be used for display on the website, but 200 dpi is probably the lowest resolution acceptable.
Images displayed (of adequate size and quality) | 16,797 | |
Images displayed (but small size or poor quality) | 4,552 | |
Images acquired, but too poor for display | 3,067 | |
Images seen only in printed references | 1,400 | |
Images reported, but never seen | 9,344 | |
(Statistics current to the last database upload.) |
Scanning suggestions. I have a whole section of this website dedicated to scanning certificates. In short:
I DO NOT need
Celebrity signatures
Certificates too large for your scanner?
Save format
How to send