Sources of information about railroad companies

It is not necessary to know much about railroad companies to collect stocks and bonds, but it makes it the quest fun. Information about railroading abounds, that is, until it becomes necessary to know precise incorporation about dates and names. Then information becomes thin, contradictory, and vague.


Railroad Names by William D. Edson, 1984 Encyclopedia of North American Railroads by Aaron Klein, 1985 Trolley and Interurban Directory by Joseph Gross 1986 Mexican Narrow Gauge by Gerald Best, 1968 American Narrow Gauge by George Hilton, 1990

Following is a list of all sources consulted for information about specific companies, current to the last database upload Wednesday, February 19, 2025.


Arranged by author, date, title

Abele, Fred B., 1986, Mohawk and Hudson Rail Road Co: 1826-1853

Adams, Kramer A., 1961, Logging Railroads of the West

Ambrose, Stephen E., 2000, Nothing Like It in the World: the men who built the transcontinental railroad, 1863-1869

Anreas, A T, 1880, History of the State of Kansas

Aspinall, Sir Algernon Edward, 1912, British West Indies: Their History, Resources and Progress, The

Belcher, C. Francis, 1980, Logging Railroads of the White Mountains

Bender, Harry E. Jr., 1970, Uintah Railway: the Gilsonite Route

Best, Gerald M., 1968, Mexican Narrow Gauge

Bruce II, Colin, 1982, Complete Encyclopedia of Mexican Paper Money

Carl Gustafson, 1967, The Dairy Route: A history of the Elgin & Belvidere Electric Co.

Carter, Kate B., 1966, Daughters of Utah Pioneers

Cedarlof, A.P., 1944, Heart Throbs of the West

Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co, 1929, Documentary history, charters, articles of incorporations, deeds, consolidations, mortgages, leases, decrees, etc., volume 2, lines in Iowa and Missouri.

Cochran, Thomas C., 1953, Railroad Leaders, 1845-1890: the business mind in action

Crawford, Jay Boyd, 1880, The Credit Mobilier of America: Its Origin and History, Its Work Constructing the Union Pacific Railroad and the Relation of Members of Congress Therewith

Drury, George H., 1984, Train Watcher's Guide to North American Railroads

Drury, George H., 1992, Train Watcher's Guide to North American Railroads

Drury, George H., 1990, Train Watcher's Guide to North American Railroads

Edson, William D, 1985-1990, annual updates to Railroad Names

Edson, William D, 1984, Railroad Names: a directory of common carrier railroads operating in the United States 1826-1982

Edson, William D, 1985, Updates #2 to Railroad Names

Edson, William D, 1986, Updates #3 to Railroad Names

Edson, William D, 1987, Updates #4 to Railroad Names

Edson, William D, 1988, Updates #5 to Railroad Names

Edson, William D, 1989, Updates #6 to Railroad Names

Edson, William D, 1990, Updates #7 to Railroad Names

Edson, William D, 1993, Railroad Names: a directory of common carrier railroads operating in the United States 1826-1992

Empire State Railway Museum, 1993, Steam Passenger Service Directory, 28th annual

Federal Transit Administration, 2003, Mass Transportation in the Cities of America: a short history and a current perspective

Fetters, Thomas, 1990, Logging Railroads of South Carolina

Fleming, Howard, 1980, Narrow Gauge Railways of America

Fleming, Howard, 1949, Narrow Gauge Railways of America

Franco, Francisco Garma, 1985, Railroads in Mexico: an illustrated history, vol 1

Franco, Francisco Garma, 1988, Railroads in Mexico: an illustrated history, vol 2

Gaytan, Carlos, 1972, Paper Currency of Mexico, 1822-1971

Grant, H. Roger, 2014, Louisville Cincinnati & Charleston Rail Road: Dreams of Linking North and South

Griffin, William E, Jr., 1999, Seaboard: the Route of Courteous Service

Gross, Joseph, 1986, Railroads of North America: a complete listing of all North American railroads, 1827-1986

Gross, Joseph, 1987, Trolley and Interurban Directory

Haxby, James A., 1988, Standard Catalog of United States Obsolete Bank Notes, 1782-1866

Hemphill, Hugh, 2006, Railroads of San Antonio and South Central Texas, The

Hilton, George Woodman, 1990, American Narrow Gauge Railroads

Hilton, George Woodman, 1971, Cable Car in America

Hilton, George Woodman & John F. Due, 1960, Electric Interurban Railways in America

Johnston, Hank, 1965, The Railroad That Lighted Southern California

Karr, Ronald Dale, 1989, Lost Railroads of New England

Kerr, James W., 1983, Illustrated History of Rail Rapid Transit Systems and Cars of North America

Kerr, James W. & O. M. Kerr, 1980, Illustrated Rail Rapid Transit Systems and Cars of North America

Klein, Aaron E., 1985, Encyclopedia of North American Railroads

Klein, Maury, 1986, The Life and Legend of Jay Gould

Klein, Maury, 1987, Union Pacific: the birth of a railroad, 1862-1893

Klein, Maury, 1989, Union Pacific: the rebirth, 1894-1969

Klein, Maury, 2000, The Life and Legend of E. H. Harriman

Klein, Maury, 1972, History of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad

Lambie, Joseph, 1954, New York University Graduate School of Business Administration; Business History Series

Lavallee, Omer, 1972, Narrow Gauge Railways of Canada

Legget, Robert Ferguson, 1973, Railroads of Canada

Lewis, Edward A, 1991, American Shortline Railway Guide, 4th edition

MacDowell, Dorothy Kelly, 1989, Commodore Vanderbilt and His Family: A biographicalaccount of the descendants of Cornelius and Sophia Johnson Vanderbilt

McGraw Publishing, 1914, McGraw Electric Railway Manual: The Red Book of American Street Railway Investment

McNeely, John Hamilton, 1964, Railways of Mexico: a study in nationalization (Texas Western College, Southwestern Studies vol 2, no 1)

Meints, Graydon M., 1992, Michigan Railroads and Railroad Companies

Middleton, William D., 1967, Time of the Trolley: the street railway from horsecar to light rail, vol 1

Modelski, Andrew M., 1984, Railroad Maps of North America: the first hundred years

Mulcaster, Peter W., 2019, Off to Paradise Grove: A railway history of Niagara-on-the-Lake

Muralt, Darryl E, 1993, The Cordwood Limited: a history of the Victoria and Sidney Railway, 1892-1919

Myrick, David F., 1962, Railroads of Nevada (and eastern California, in 2 vols)

Myrick, David F., 1990, New Mexico's Railroads: a historical study

National Railway Publication Co, 1956, Official Guide of the Railways and Steam Navigation Lines of the United States, Porto Rico, Canada, Mexico and Cuba, April 1956

New York Central System Annual Report, 1913, History of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Co

Oliphant, James H., 1910, Earning Power of Railroads: mileage-capitalization-bonded indebtedness-earnings-operating expenses-cost of maintenance-fixed charges-comparative statistics-investments-dividends-guarantees, etc

Ormes, Robert M., 1975, Tracking Ghost Railroads in Colorado

Palmer, Richard, 1996, Short Lines of Central New York

Pennsylvania Railroad Co, 1927, The Pennsylvania Railroad Co: review of charter and annual reports

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1869, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1869-1870, Second Series

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1903, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1910

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1891, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1895

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1892, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1896

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1893, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1897

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1894, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1899

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1895, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1900

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1896, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1901

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1897, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1902

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1899, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1904

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1890, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1894

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1902, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1907

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1900, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1905

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1904, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1911

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1905, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1913

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1906, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1914

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1907, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1915

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1908, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1916

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1909, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1917

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1910, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1919

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1911, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1923

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1912, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1924

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1901, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1906

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1871, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1871-1872, Fourth Series

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1868, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1868-1869

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1870, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1870-1871, Third Series

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1889, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1893

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1872, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1873-1874, Sixth Series

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1873, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1875-1876, Eighth Series

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1875, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1879

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1878, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1882

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1879, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1883

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1880, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1884

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1883, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1887

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1888, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1892

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1887, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1891

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1886, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1890

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1885, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1889

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1884, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1888

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1882, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1886

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1881, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1885

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1877, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1877-1878, Tenth Series (vol 10)

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1876, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1876-1877, Ninth Series (vol 9)

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1886, Poor's directory of Railroad Officials

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1860, History of the Railroads and Canals of the United States (reprint 1970)

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1898, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1898 (vol 31)

Poor, Henry Varnum, 1874, Manual of the Railroads of the United States for 1874-1875, Seventh Series (vol 7)

Rail Classics, Mar, 1986, Rail Classics

Rand McNally, 1982, Handy Railroad Atlas of the United States

Reed, St Clair Griffin, 1941, History of Texas Railroads: and of transportation conditions under Spain and Mexico and the Republic of the state

Richmond, Al, 1985, Grand Canyon Railway

Robertson, Donald, 1986, Encyclopedia of Western Railroad History, Desert States

Rosholt, Malcolm Leviatt, 1985, Trains of Wisconsin

Sayre, John W., 1990, Santa Fe Prescott & Phoenix Railway: the scenic line of Arizona

Sayre, John W., 1985, Ghost Railroads of Central Arizona: a journey through yesteryear

Schlesinger, Arthur M. Jr., 1993, The Almanac of American History

Taber, Thomas Townsend III, 1977, The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, the Road of Anthracite, in the nineteenth century, 1828-1899

Taber, Thomas Townsend III, 1987, Railroads of Pennsylvania Encyclopedia and Atlas

Thomas, Henry W., 1895, Digest of the Railroad Laws of Georgia

Union Pacific Corp, 1978-1992, Union Pacific Corporation Annual Reports

Union Pacific Railroad Co, 1969, Union Pacific Story, The Anniversay, 1869-1969

Warden, William E., 1993, West Virginia Logging Railroads, 6th printing

Western Maryland Railway, 1940, History of the Western Maryland Railway

Western Maryland Railway, 1952, The Western Maryland Railway Story: a chronicle of the first century, 1852-1952

Wheeler, Keith, 1973, The Railroaders (Time-Life Old West Series)

Whitney, Orson F., 1892, History of Utah (in four volumes)

Wilkins, Tivis E., 1974, Colorado Railroads: chronological development

Williams, Ames W., 1975, Otto Mears Goes East: the Chesapeake Beach Railway

Wilson, Keith, 1982, Railways in Canada: The iron link

Zanetti, Oscar and Alejandro Garcia, 1987, Sugar & Railroads: a Cuban history, 1837-1959


Most magazines and collecting-related journals have long publishing histories. The ones listed below are those that contributed to this project or confirmed information obtained from less trustworthy sources.

Arranged by author, date, title

Alexander James J Jr., 1988, Historic American Engineering Record

American Railway Engineering Association, 1915, Bulletin of the American Railway Engineering Association

American Society of Check Collectors, Nov, 1990, Check Collector #16

American Society of Check Collectors, Aug, 1992, Check Collector #23

American Society of Check Collectors, Aug, 1993, Check Collector #27

Ames, Williams, Jul 6, 1902, New York Times

Electric Railway Journal, 1908, American Street Railway Investments

Gibb, James G., 1990, Calvert Historian, The

Hoober, Richard T, 1983-1989, Paper Money

Hoober, Richard T, Sep,1983, Paper Money Whole No. 107

Hoober, Richard T, Nov, 1983, Paper Money Whole No. 108

Hoober, Richard T, Jan, 1984, Paper Money Whole No. 109

Hoober, Richard T, Mar, 1984, Paper Money Whole No. 110

Hoober, Richard T, May, 1984, Paper Money Whole No. 111

Hoober, Richard T, Jul, 1984, Paper Money Whole No. 112

Hoober, Richard T, Sep, 1984, Paper Money Whole No. 113

Hoober, Richard T, Dec, 1984, Paper Money Whole No. 114

Hoober, Richard T, Feb, 1985, Paper Money Whole No. 115

Hoober, Richard T, Apr, 1985, Paper Money Whole No. 116

Hoober, Richard T, May, 1985, Paper Money Whole No. 117

Hoober, Richard T, Jul, 1985, Paper Money Whole No. 118

Hoober, Richard T, Oct, 1985, Paper Money Whole No. 119

Hoober, Richard T, Dec, 1985, Paper Money Whole No. 120

Hoober, Richard T, Jan/Feb, 1986, Paper Money Whole No. 121

Hoober, Richard T, Mar/Apr, 1986, Paper Money Whole No. 122

Hoober, Richard T, Jul/Aug, 1986, Paper Money Whole No. 124

Hoober, Richard T, Sep/Oct, 1986, Paper Money Whole No. 125

Hoober, Richard T, Nov/Dec, 1986, Paper Money Whole No. 126

Hoober, Richard T, Jan/Feb, 1987, Paper Money Whole No. 127

Hoober, Richard T, May/Jun, 1987, Paper Money Whole No. 129

Hoober, Richard T, Jul/Aug, 1987, Paper Money Whole No. 130

Hoober, Richard T, Sep/Oct, 1987, Paper Money Whole No. 131

Hoober, Richard T, Nov/Dec, 1987, Paper Money Whole No. 132

Hoober, Richard T, Jan/Feb, 1988, Paper Money Whole No. 133

Hoober, Richard T, May/Jun, 1988, Paper Money Whole No. 135

Hoober, Richard T, Jul/Aug, 1988, Paper Money Whole No. 136

Hoober, Richard T, Sep/Oct, 1988, Paper Money Whole No. 137

Hoober, Richard T, Jan/Feb, 1989, Paper Money Whole No. 139

Hoober, Richard T, Mar/Apr, 1989, Paper Money Whole No. 140

Hoober, Richard T, May/Jun, 1989, Paper Money Whole No. 141

Hoober, Richard T, Jul/Aug, 1989, Paper Money Whole No. 142

Hoober, Richard T, Sep/Oct, 1989, Paper Money Whole No. 143

Hoober, Richard T, Nov/Dec, 1989, Paper Money Whole No. 144

Johnson, Walter A, Autumn, 1946, Chronicles of Oklahoma, The

Kohl, Walter, Dec, 1944, Railroad Magazine

Middleton, Kenneth R and Norman C Keyes Jr, Autumn, 1980, Railroad History magazine

Moody, Linwood W., Jul, 1940, Railroad Magazine

New York Times, Sep 3, 1927, New York Times

Railfan & Railroad Magazine, 1981-1999, Railfan & Railroad Magazine

Railroad Magazine, Dec, 1941, Railroad Magazine

Railroad Magazine, Oct, 1943, Railroad Magazine

Railroad Magazine, Dec, 1944, Railroad Magazine

Railway Age, Oct 11, 1901, Railway Age

Rennick, Penny (ed), 1992, Alaska Geographic

Right Way, The (editor), Oct -Dec, 1963, Right Way, The, quarterly magazine of the Central of Georgia

Rocky Mountain News, Jun 14, 1996, Rocky Mountain News

Seaboard Air Line Railroad Co., 1946, Seaboard Yearbook, 1946

Street Railway Review, Jan, 1891, Street Railway Review, v1, n1

Thompson, Kevin & Steven Cotner, 1979, Railroad History, Bulletin 141

United States Investor & Promoter, Oct 29, 1898, United States Investor & Promoter

S T A T E   &  F E D E R A L  D O C U M E N T S

THESE ARE highly random books, documents, and papers from state and Federal entities that were consulted in response to specific inquiries from correspondents. Many are findable on ,, and various state websites.

Arranged by author, date, title

Board of Railroad Commissioners of the State of Massachusetts, 1913, Fourty-fourth Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners

Colorado Railroad Commissioner, 1886, First Annual Report of the Railroad Commissioner of the State of Colorado for the year ending June 30, 1883

Colorado, State of, 2013, State of Colorado List of Incorporations

Illinois Secretary of State, 1911, Certified List of Illinois Corporations

Interstate Commerce Commission, 1889, Statistics of Railways

Iowa Board of Railroad Commissioners, 1897, 19th Annual Report

Jefferson County, CO (Prythero, Matthew and Ronda Frazier), 2015, Jefferson County (Colorado) Clerk & Recorder Incorporation Records, 1862-1969, series 168

Mississippi Legislature, 1888, Laws of the State of Mississippi

National Register of Historic Places, , Railroads in North Dakota, 1872-1956

National Register of Historic Places, 1990, Advent and Development of Railroads in Iowa, 1855-1940

National Register of Historic Places, 1997, Railroads in Colorado 1858-1948

National Register of Historic Places, 1998, Historic Railroads of South Dakota

National Register of Historic Places, 2000, Historic Railroad Resources of Kansas

National Register of Historic Places, 2013, Railroads in Minnesota, 1862-1956

New Jersey Secretary of State, 1914, Corporations of New Jersey, List of Certificates to Dec. 31, 1911

New York Public Service Commission, 1913, Report of the Public Service Commission, Documentary History of Railroad Companies

Ohio, State of, 1878, Ohio Statistics

Ohio, State of, 1879, Ohio Railway Report

Oregon, State of, 1909, Annual Report of the Railroad Commission of Oregon

Railroad and Warehouse Commission of Illinois, 1885, 15th Annual Report

Railroad Commissioners of the State of New Hampshire, 1889, 45th Annual Report of the Railroad Commissioners

United States National Archives, 2003, United States National Archives

United States Supreme Court, 1884, United States Supreme Court cases

Vermont General Assembly State of, 1845, Acts and Resolves Passed by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont

Vermont General Assembly State of, 1846, Acts and Resolves Passed by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont

Vermont General Assembly State of, 1847, Acts and Resolves Passed by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont

Vermont General Assembly State of, 1848, Acts and Resolves Passed by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont

Vermont General Assembly State of, 1896, Acts and Resolves Passed by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont

E P H E M E R A L   S O U R C E S

These are sources, sometimes printed, of very temporary natures. Websites are notoriously ephemeral; all are merely one button click or one missed internet payment from going dark. Snapshots of many websites are stored on the "Wayback Machine" but don't count on finding all contents that websites once held, especially those that supplied information from databases.

Arranged by author, date, title

Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, 2018, Chronicling Illinois website

Alabama, State of, 2001, State of Alabama List on Corporations

American Short Line & Regional Railroad Association, 2001, web site

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2003, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2003, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2003, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2003, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2003, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

anonymous, 2004, (see Wayback Machine)

Arkansas, State of, 2001, web site listing of corporations

Bentley Historical Library, 2005, University of Michigan website

Blickpunkt Straßenbahn, 1999, web site

Bright, David, 2015, David Bright's web site, 'CSA Railroads'

Burlington Route Historical Society, 1999, web site

C&O Historical Society, 1999, web site

Chester County Historical Society, 2017, Chester County Historical Society website

Chicago Transit & Rail Fan Web Site, 2018, Chicago Transit & Rail Fan Web Site

Churcher, Colin, 2001, Significant Dates in Canadian Railway History, web site

CN Railroad, 2006, CN (Canadian National) corporate web site

Colorado, State of, 2001, web site listing of corporations

Dow Jones & Co, 2003, Dow Jones & Co website

Duluth Missabe & Iron Range Historical Society, 1999, Duluth Missabe & Iron Range Historical Society website

Electric Railway Historical Assn of Southern California, 1999-2009, website ( of the Electric Railway Historical Assn of Southern California

Ferrocarriles de Guatemala, 1999, website of company, now removed (this company is now called Ferrovias Guatemala and owned by Railroad Development Corp.)

Forgotten, 2003, web site

Foshay, James W., 1885, Report of the Second Annual Meeting of the Street-Railway Assn of the State of New York

Frontier Trails of the Old West, 2003,

Garden State Legacy, Apr, 2021, Garden State Legacy website

GATX Corporation, 1999, web site

Georgia State University, 1982, M H Ross collection, Georgia State University website

Georgia, State of, 2001, web site, listing of corporations

Good, Mike, 2003,, Corporate History: MK&T Railway

Hawaiian Railway Historical Society, 1999, web site

I & M Rail Link, 1999, web site

Illinois, State of, 2001, web site, listing of corporations

Indiana Railroad Attractions, 1999, web site

Indiana, State of, 2001, web site, listing of corporations

Kansas City Historical Society, 2006, web site

Kansas City Southern Historical Society, 1999, web site

Kansas Historical Society, May 9, 2019, Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company records, Kansas Historical Society

Kansas, State of, 2001, web site, listing of corporations

Kentucky, State of, 2001, web site, listing of corporations

Kettle Valley Steam Railway, 1999, web site

Kneiss, G.H. Western Pacific RR Historical Society, 1999, web site

known pass, 2000, at least one annual pass or ticket known

Labelle Woodworking, 2023, LaBelle Woodworking, excellent corporate genealogies at

Lewis, J D, 1923, website by J. D. Lewis

Library of Congress, 1999, Library of Congress website

Logging Railroads of Mississippi, 2002,, now removed

Miller, William E., 1999, web site, Electric Lines in Southern Ontario

Minnesota Historical Society, 2000, item in collection

Miscellaneous World Wide Web sources, 1999, minor non-railroad web sites

Missouri Pacific Historical Society, 1999, web site

Missouri, State of, 2001, web site, listing of corporations

Mohawk & Hudson Chapter National Railroad Historical Society, 1999, web site

Morrison, Allen, 2009, The Tramways of Yucatan, web site

Nabb Research Center, 2005-2009, web site

Netzlof, Robert T., 2005-2009, Pennsylvania Railroad Corporate History, web site

New York, State of, 2001, web site, listing of corporations

Nickel Plate Road Historical & Technical Society, 1999, web site

North Shore RR, 1999, web site, 2003, web site, various articles concerning the history of the rapid transit system of New York City

Ohio, State of, 2001, web site, listing of corporations

OmniTRAX Inc, 1999, web site

Pennsylvania Public Utilities, 1999, web site

Pennsylvania Railroad Technical & Historical Society, 2002,

Pennsylvania State Archives, 2008, Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission

Pennsylvania, State of, 2001, web site, listing of corporations

Rail America Inc, 2000, web site

Rails and Trails, 2003, Ohio Railway Report and other articles, web site

Reading & Northern RR Co, 1999, web site

Rock Island Lines Historical Society, 1999, web site

Santa Fe Historical & Modeling Society, 1999, web site

Shortline Roster, 1999, web site

Shortlines of Chicago Historical Society, 1999, web site

Smithsonian Institution, 2017, Smithsonian Institution electronic records, website

Stevens Institute of Technology, 2003, Stevens Institute of Technology, School of Engineering Historical Perspective

Strack (, 2015, website

Summers, Jimmy, 2008-2009, Abandoned Railroads of the US, web site

Tennessee Virtual Archive, Nov 11, 2019, Tennessee Virtual Archive

Tennessee, State of, 2001, web site, listing of corporations

Texas Online, 2000, Handbook of Texas Online, Electric Interurban Railways

Toronto Public Library, 2015, Toronto Public Library website

Trains Magazine, 2003, Kalmbach Publishing web site

Transtar Inc, 1999, web site

Truman Area Community Network, 2003, Encyclopedia of History of Missouri,

Truman Area Community Network, 2001, various pages, web site

Union Pacific Corp, 1990-on, corporate web site (

Union Pacific Historical Society, 1999, web site

Universal Exposition, 1904, Official Catalogue of Exhibitors, Universal Exposition, St Louis

University of Connecticut Dodd Research Center, 2001, web site listing of New York New Haven & Hartford Railroad archives

Walkersville Southern Railroad, 1999, web site

Washington State Railroads Historical Society, 2003, Washington State Railroads Historical Society web site, 2003, History of Nebraska, web site,

Western Pacific Railroad Historical Society, 2006, web site

Wisconsin Central Transportation Corp, 1999, web site

Wozniczka, Denny (compiler), 2006, Monon Railroad - Historical Society, Inc web site

Wyoming, State of, 2001, web site, listing of corporations

U N P U B L I S H E D   S O U R C E S

These are a few of the handwritten, typed, online or even verbal sources where I gathered some sort of information related to companies or certificates.

Arranged by author, date, title

Anderson, John, 1999, flyer outlining history of PRR's Vandalia/Eel River Line

anonymous, 1916, Corporate History Chart of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co

Colorado College Tutt Library, 1994, Edmond Van Diest Papers

Cox, Terry, 1997, Union Pacific/Southern Pacific map scanning project

Cox, Terry, 1991-1999, Cox research, miscellaneous unrecorded sources

Cox, Terry, 2001, Cox research, miscellaneous web sources

Gibson County Tennessee Historical Society, Sep 18, 2021, Gibson County Tennessee Historical Society Facebook illustration

Krajewski, Stephen A., 2015, Personal research

Philadelphia Rapid Transit System Corporate Organization Chart, Apr 1, 1935, Philadelphia Rapid Transit System Corporate Organization Chart

Southern Pacific Company, Jun 30, 1916, Corporate History Chart of Southern Pacific Co, Chart E, for ICC Valuation

Southern Pacific Company, Jun 30, 1916, Corporate History Chart of Southern Pacific Co, Chart A, for ICC Valuation

Southern Pacific Company, Jun 30, 1916, Corporate History Chart of Southern Pacific Co, Chart B, for ICC Valuation

Southern Pacific Company, Jun 30, 1916, Corporate History Chart of Southern Pacific Co, Chart C1, for ICC Valuation

Southern Pacific Company, Jun 30, 1916, Corporate History Chart of Southern Pacific Co, Chart D, for ICC Valuation

Southern Pacific Company, Jun 30, 1916, Corporate History Chart of Southern Pacific Co, Chart F&G, for ICC Valuation

Southern Pacific Company, Jun 30, 1916, Corporate History Chart of Southern Pacific Co, Chart H&I, for ICC Valuation

Southern Pacific Company, Jun 30, 1916, Corporate History Chart of Southern Pacific Co, Chart J&K, for ICC Valuation

Southern Pacific Company, Jun 30, 1916, Corporate History Chart of Southern Pacific Co, Chart L&M, for ICC Valuation

Southern Pacific Company, Jun 30, 1916, Corporate History Chart of Southern Pacific Co, Chart N, for ICC Valuation

Southern Pacific Company, Jun 30, 1916, Corporate History Chart of Southern Pacific Co, Chart C, for ICC Valuation

Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Co, Jun 30, 1918, Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway Corporate History Chart, revised Nov 22, 1948