References concerned with engraving, financing, and securities

There is a huge amount of information about financing and investing, but not much concerned specifically with railroads. And when one considers the uncountable millions of rail-related stocks and bonds issued on behalf of North American railroads, there is remarkably little of published information about the security printing and engraving that made them.


Slow Train to Paradise by Augustus Veenendaal Jr, 1996 Story of American Bank Note Company by William D. Griffiths, 1959 Dow Jones by Peter Jones, 2020 The Engraver's Line by Gene Hessler, 1992 Images of Value by Mark D. Tomasko, 2017


Following is a list of references to security trading, financing and security engraving, current to the last database upload Wednesday, February 19, 2025.



E N G R A V I N G   &   P R I N T I N G

These are excellent books that concern personalities and techniques behind security and pictorial engraving.

Arranged by author, date, title

Brown, Joshua, 2002, Beyond the Lines: Pictorial reporting, everyday life and the crisis of gilded age America

Griffiths, William H., 1959, Story of American Bank Note Company, The

Hessler, Gene, 1992, Engraver's Line, The

Tomasko, Mark D., 2017, Images of Value: The Artwork behind US Security Engraving 1830s-1980s

Yale University Art Gallery, 1884, The American Bank Note Company Album

F I N A N C I N G  ,   I N V E S T I N G  ,
A N D   S E C U R I T I E S

Generally antique books dealing with financing, investing, securities, and security trading.

Arranged by author, date, title

Clews, Henry, 1906, Investment Guide, 6th Annual

Gargiulo, Albert F., 1979, The Questioned Stock Manual: A guide to determining the true worth of old and collectible securities

Haight & Freese, Bankers and Brokers, 1894, Haight & Freese's Information to Investors and Speculators in stocks, grain and cotton

Haight & Freese, Bankers and Brokers, 1899, Haight & Freese's Information to Investors and Operators in stocks, grain, provisions and cotton

Haight & Freese, Bankers and Brokers, 1900, Haight & Freese's Information to Investors and Operators in stocks, grain, provisions and cotton

Haight & Freese, Bankers and Brokers, 1901, Haight & Freese's Information to Investors and Operators in stocks, grain, provisions and cotton

Haight & Freese, Bankers and Brokers, 1903, Haight & Freese's Information to Investors and Operators in stocks, grain, provisions and cotton

Jones, Peter, 2020, Dow Jones: a history of Dow Jones stock averages since 1884

Moody's Manual, 1971-1977, Moody's Manual of Transportation

Sakolski, Aaron M., 1921, Railroad Securities: A course of study with references

Smythe, Roland Mulville, 1929, Valuable Extinct Securities

Veenendaal Jr, Augustus J., 1996, Slow Train to Paradise: how Dutch investment helped build American railroads

Information about railroads companies from published sources.


Miscellaneous books consulted for issues concerning monetary policy, celebrity vignettes, and identifying fraudulent documents.

Arranged by author, date, title

Anonymous ContempBio, 1899, Contemporary American Biography, vol 2

Interstate Commerce Commission, 1926, Decisions of the Interstate Commerce Commission, May-Jul, 1929, Vol 110, Valuation Reports

Interstate Commerce Commission, 1930, Decisions of the Interstate Commerce Commission, May-Jul, 1930, Vol 26, Valuation Reports

Kross, Herman E., 1983, Documentary History of Banking & Currency in the United States, 4 vol.

Osborn, Albert S., 1929, Questioned Documents, Second edition

Sillitoe, Linda and Allen Roberts, 1989, Salamander: The Story of the Mormon Forgery Murders